Thursday, December 26, 2019

Firewall And The Security Levels - 1172 Words

The modern world is being automated in all fields in various aspects. Automation is achieved by the software development and this result in a faster work accomplishment and also in an easy, efficient way. Meanwhile, this progress has also got proportionate threat of misusing the software. As the internet has extended its roots providing access to various networks and also may provide access to inappropriate users. So, it is necessary to protect these networks and this purpose is served by network security. The security levels can be classified into two they are low level security and high level security. Network security includes many components and firewall is one such component that protects a network from various threats. Everything in†¦show more content†¦For every firewall there are certain policies or a set of rules which describe the functionality of that firewall. Firewall follows these policies and makes decision, whether to allow or decline a packet to penetrate th rough the firewall. So, it is necessary to have a firewall which is subjected to follow a good set of rules or policies. Packet Filtering: Packet filtering is the basic purpose of the firewalls in the network. The key theme of the packet Filtering is that firewall shacks either in the host or in router and monitors the traffic and flow of the data. The monitoring of traffic in the network is performed with respect to the policies of the network security (Vadim Zaliva,2008). Firewall Simulation: Reproducing the behavior of the firewall is essential, especially in the field of testing of security and the audit for the security. To reproduce a firewall physically, one has to carry out the pattern of the security policies which are brought forth by the existing firewall and should be placed in the circumstance of the environment provided by the network. Not only this, simulation of the firewall also needs the construction of the organized model for the firewall and helping it with the files that consists of the terms and policies (Wool.A,2001). Policy Optimization is considered to be the most important field of research. Though the soul rules of tend to be very simple but they need to be correspond with the large chunks of packets

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Issue Of Human Rights Essay - 2466 Words

Human rights are those rights which should be available to every single individual. Throughout history, induced abortions have been a source of great debate and controversy since ethical, religious, political and personal issues coincide. Two great contrasting views have arisen as a result of this. The â€Å"pro-life† view supports the rights of an unborn child measuring life of the foetus from the moment of conception. On the contrary, the â€Å"pro-choice† view prioritises the mother’s right to abortion with a belief that every woman should have the right to choose whether or not to go into the journey of motherhood. The pro-choice advocates, hence, consider the right of the foetus distinct from the pregnant woman, creating an adversarial relationship between the mother and the baby. The legal position of the foetus raises contention since there is no way in obtaining an opinion from an unborn child. The concept of abortion brings into focus the ethics surrounding abortion itself and how it is viewed morally. These two are inextricably linked and thus it will be necessary to highlight the arguments surrounding the status of the foetus and rights of the mother, both morally and legally. In the United Kingdom, even though abortion is a healthcare matter, it continues to be a politically contested issue. The courts have faced an immense amount of difficulty on how to legally handle the matter of abortion. Traditionally the English Courts have refused to regard a foetus as having aShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Human Rights1444 Words   |  6 Pageswho are on a waiting list. When the subject of human rights is discussed, one ethical question can be asked. Is volunteering to sell an organ by choice or for financial purposes unethical? What if a person wanted to sell their organ and in return was able to get free life insurance or give money to their family upon their own death? If organs are used for science right now, what is stopping the sale of organs to those who really need one such an issue? The sale of organs should be legalized becauseRead MoreThe Issue Of Human Rights1495 Words   |  6 PagesHuman rights are a basic right for every living person on Earth. Rega rdless of differences, every person has the right to basic needs in order to sustain their life. A current issue in Florida involves a law, HB 401, which will be active in July of this year that affects members of the LGBT community as well as those who wish to practice exercising their religious freedoms. Choosing to live life with morals and values that are highly ethical might differ from person to person. One group should notRead MoreThe Issue Of Human Rights2179 Words   |  9 PagesHuman rights are inherent; they refer to the basic standards of treatment that all people should be entitled to. They are based on a fundamental belief that all human beings have inherent dignity and worth, allowing citizens to make their own decisions, thus promoting equal opportunities for all people to develop to their full potential . In order to ascertain as to whether or not civil procedure provides adequate protections of these rights within an Australian context, it is essential to firstRea d MoreThe Issue Of Human Rights949 Words   |  4 PagesHuman rights are perhaps the only concept which has remained the focus of many debates in the modern world. The mere thought that all humans across the world irrespective of their culture, religion and race are equal and deserve equality is perhaps the reason why it holds such significance among people. â€Å"There is something deeply attractive in the idea that every person anywhere in the world, irrespective of citizenship or territorial legislation, has some basic rights, which others should respectRead MoreThe Issue Of Human Rights948 Words   |  4 Pages The subject of human rights is a topic that most countries around the world are familiar with and approach in varied ways. The United States of America has a democratic form of government that receives its power from its people, which is in stark contrast to the theocratic system in Iran whose power comes from a group of cleric’s interpretation of the Quran. The U.S. was founded upon a document known as the Constitution of the U.S. and Bill of Rights, while Iran’s government is wholly set forthRead MoreThe Issue Of Human Rights1256 Words   |  6 PagesIn this paper I will focus on the subject of human rights. The recognition of human rights is widely seen as abstract, yet human rights affect daily lives worldwide. We can understand human rights and its initial role on politics through the example of higher rule denying citizens everyday rights, worldwide. In particular, I will compare and contrast the theoretical perspectives of liberalism and realism, and assess that human rights can best be examined through liberalism due to its ability to bringRead MoreHuman Rights Is A Global Issue Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pages1 Human Rights play a role in everyone s life, but not everyone recognizes it. Human rights means being able to hold hands with the person you love without feeling shame, work where you are qualified to work without your skin color or sexual orientation being the reason you cannot; it means having the right to be human, making choices and mistakes. I hear and see these type of things every day; people being ignorant and neglecting the notion that all humans are equal. I often witness people inRead MoreThe Issues Affecting Human Rights759 Words   |  4 PagesQ1 Introduction The introduction will contain the definition of concepts used. There will be a discussion here on the situation of natural disasters in international human rights law. This section will conclude with an outline of the following sections. Issue The issues affecting human rights will be highlighted. These include: †¢ Sub-standard led to poor people being more affected by the earthquake than rich people; †¢ The lack of security in the camps have led to sexual assault; †¢ The camps areRead MoreHuman Rights Issues in China783 Words   |  3 Pagesthe surrounding world, but China has always been a very independent nation. One of the most controversial topics that is discussed worldwide being Human Rights, China has been known(notorious for) to disregarding them, even though there are International Human Rights Laws. The Chinese government has developed a system of internal laws regarding human rights, but don’t enforce them on their own citizens. As a result of this, the people of China don’t mind. It is an important part of Chinese culture toRead MoreIntensification of the Human Rights Issue in China1110 Words   |  4 PagesThe human rights issue in China is intensifying as China exercises limitations on dissidents and activists. Different reports on TV have clearly shown the restrictions towards issues as faith and religion as well as other issues related to the rights. In spite of the fast socio-economic change and the development that the technology is bringing, China is and continues to be a one-party, authoritarian state that obliges people not to be free. The freedoms of expression, the freedom to exercise

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Effective Leadership in Health for Teamwork Skills - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theEffective Leadership in Health for Teamwork Skill. Answer: Introduction Leadership is the act of leading a specific group of people by motivating them into working towards a common goal or objective. A leader is a person who take up the role of leading a group of people into performing certain specific tasks. Leaders can be inform of groups or teams or individual person. In business organizations, leaders are mostly referred to as managers (Ionescu, 2014). Leaders are categorized as people with certain specific and unique features and characters. The leadership traits and qualities can either originate from a person own capability or can be learnt from schools, especially through training (Baldwin, 2013). This means that a leaders can either be born or made by learning particular skills by studying and being trained (Cabeza-Erikson et al, 2008). It is important to note a leaders should a person who has the capability of inspiring others into performing their responsibilities and duties with the aim of achieving a specific goal and objective. Therefore, e ffective leadership is based entirely on the leaders ideas and strategies (whether borrowed or original). However, the success of a leaders is basically measured by the end result brought about by the implementation of the ideas (Chuang, 2013). Additionally, for the leaders ideas to be effectively and efficiently implemented, the leaders must be in a position to communicate effective to their subordinates to convey to the subordinates what should be done at what time, where and by whom for the leaders expectations and objectives to be achieved. Therefore, leadership is one of the most influential aspects and factors that help shape and determine the organizational culture and structure. This means that every organization should focus on ensuring that their leaders behaviors are effective and that they portray efficient and effective strategies and qualities that can be propel the organization towards development and growth in all areas. In the health sector, most leaders acquire their skills though training and experience (Edmonstone, 2009). In a health sector, the most needed and common skills implemented there are those that relate with individual professionalism and expertise (Frich et al, 2015) e.g., communication skills, teamwork skills, analytical skills, strong work ethic skills, flexibility skill, problem solving skills to name a few. However, other skills and attributes are needed in a health sector especially the original skills of an individual e.g. patience, sympathy, compassionate, positivity, creativity and responsibility among others (Edmonstone, 2011). This is simply because in health sectors, the employees are usually in charge of human life and therefore every caution should be taken. In a health sector, the employees include people like clinicians, managers, psychologists and other physicians (Hao and Yazdanifard, 2015). Therefore, every health sector must ensure that its leaders have the capabili ty to inspire and motivate all these personalities into performing their roles and responsibilities. Personal Leadership Example Supervisor in a Youth Community Health Development Program Basically it is the most common leadership role in most organizations. A supervisor can also be called a manager. In my case, I acted as the supervisor of a health program that was being conducted by youths in New South Wales, Australia. The programs aim was to educate and equip the New South Wales community with knowledge on the how to manage and care for their relatives and loved suffering from chronic diseases like cancer or diabetes. In this program I was chosen to be leader because of my strong interpersonal skills and knowledge on the field. The supervisory was accompanied by some specific roles and responsibilities like managing the youth group to ensure that everyone was to perform their duties. This leadership role involves ensuring that every youth member is included, roles and responsibilities are allocated accordingly, resources like finances are used effectively and efficiently, i.e. to their maximum and that the objective is met (the community is well educated or rather has a good idea on how to care for such patients). Kouzes and posner (2012) leadership model Modelling the way This model states that leaders should always go ahead of their employees or subordinates. The leaders should basically set an example and be role models to their subordinates. This means that they should ensure that they have performed their roles and responsibilities effective and efficiently (Kelloway and Barling, 2010). They should show progress and be ready to work whenever need be. This means that the leaders are the ones that have the ability to set the bar for their employees to aim at (Hunt, 2007). The leaders should focus on creating and implementing policies, standards, strategies and techniques that will motivate and inspire the subordinates into performing their duties to their capability. Through this the leaders will be able to build their credibility which they should use to inspire their subordinates (Renjith et al, 2015). Additionally, through this, the leaders are able to show their quality standards and value for their job. Commitments Discover your voice by clarifying your personal values In my leadership role, by being the program supervisor, I was able to make my own decisions which were to be followed by the other youths. The decisions however, were based entirely on my capability to implement my own values, quality standards and expectations at the end of every activity carried out. Set example by aligning actions with shared values (Kouzes and Posners, 2012). As a supervisor, i was in a position to manage the group by directing, planning, organizing and coordinating the youth group and ensured that every activity is carried out and the end result is beyond expectations. I was able to plan the learning and teaching schedule, allocate resources and responsibilities effectively and ensured that the resources were used effectively and to their maximum. Through this, I was able to model the way for the other youth members by showing that I was in charge and ensuring that the end results are perfect. Inspire A Shared Vision Leaders have the ability to create and build an image of what and how they would like their future to be. In most cases, the image is usually unique and better developed than the current status of the organization. Almost all leaders are actually driven by their future visions. However, for the visions to be practical and be effectively implemented, the leaders should communicate and share their vision with their subordinates (Kouzes Posner, 2007). The main purpose for such a vision in a leader is to simply make a difference (positive change) towards the organization. To inspire vision involves the involvement of the subordinates into the future vision which happens when a leader shares the idea with their subordinates. However, they should not only share but include good explanations which will help the subordinates to understand and acquire the vision as if it were their own. It is not possible for a leader to achieve their vision successfully unless the subordinates are also on b oard and treat the ides as their own (Whaley and Gillis, 2016). Commitments Envisioning and imagining a possible and achievable future In my role as the youth program supervisor, I was able to create a vision on how the community will work together when caring and attending to any sick person, no matter the disease. The vision was based entirely on community development and togetherness which sums it up as team work enhancement. By educating the community on the best practices and techniques to use when caring for sick people with chronic diseases, the result will be reduction of mortality rates and ensure comfortable and peacefulness environment of the people with such diseases who are near death. Enlisting others in the vision with the aim of making it a common objective. Envisioned a community where by the youths were not idle and instead are capable of contributing to community development and growth in a more positive indirect way. In addition to that, I was able to share the vision with the other youths by holding several meetings before the program was officially commenced, through this I was able to acquire additional ideas and opinions from them which I used during the program planning and implementations stages. By having a clear, simple and reasonable vision about the program, I was able to utilize and use the commitments that included in Kouzes and Posners (2012) inspire a shared vision model which are: and enlisting others in the vision with the aim of making it a common objective. Challenge The Process Organization leaders should have the ability to be creative and innovative. This means that they should have the guts to challenge their original ideas and opinions with new ones. The main reason for leaders to challenge their ideas is to be able to create and develop new and better strategies, policies, standards and many other things which are more effective and efficient than the previous ones (Ledlow and Stephens, 2017). Leaders may have the required skills and qualifications to manage a certain organization or project but still need to be ready to learn and be innovative to improve themselves in person (Kumar et al, 2014). In this model, leaders are encouraged to treat every responsibility as an adventure and every mistake or failure as a lesson. By seeking out challenging opportunities, leaders are able to improve their skills and tame them to suit and be applicable in many different scenarios and environmental changes (Kouzes and Posners, 2012). Through seeking challenging opp ortunities, the leaders increase their capability to succeed in their own field besides acquiring knowledge in other fields (Leggat, 2007). Commitments To search for new opportunities through innovation, growth and improvement From my experience as a supervisor, I was able to acquire different skills and attributes that were not only related to the leadership field, but also community development, chronic disease symptoms, medications and best ways to treat and care for the patients with chronic diseases. In addition to that, from the role, I was able to interact with many other youths with different opinions and ideas on identifying and solving certain problems experienced by patients Conducting experiments as well as taking risks by recognizing the small wins and learning from mistakes made In my role as a supervisor, I was able to exercise the commitment on searching for new opportunities through innovation by accepting the role itself. Having chosen to specialize in health sector field, I had not imagined of being a leader. Also, I was able to learn from the mistakes that the group made at the end of the program. The risk of taking the supervisory role was basically based on possibility of program failure, under my care. Enable Other To Act Leaders with no subordinates are not leaders at all. Additionally, leaders who prefer to work on their own are likely to fail than those that have a team to work with. This model, ensures that every leader has the ability to allow other members or subordinates to work or act on the project as well. Through, this, the whole team will be encouraging cooperation, collaboration and group empowerment (Davis, 2015). Enabling other to act includes encouraging them to be involves in the decision making process and give them freedom of choice (Popa, 2012). Also, it involves allowing other to utilize their effort and energy with the aim of realizing their full potential and optimum production. By enabling others to act, the leaders get the opportunity to entrust and share power and authority with their subordinates which in the end makes the subordinates to feel valued and important. Through this, the leaders are also able to point out and cater for their subordinates interests and on the othe r hand, the subordinates get the chance to feel responsible not only for the organization as a whole but also for their duties (McDonald, 2014). Commitments In this model, there are two commitments involves which are (Kouzes and Posners, 2012): Fostering collaboration and promoting cooperative goals In my experience as a supervisor, I was able to share power with the other youth by dividing the roles to other group leaders who would help me manage the whole group. Also, I allocated every member a responsibility and objective towards which they should work. I was also able to receive and accept additional advice and opinions from the other youths which I implemented. The idea on keeping the whole group in touch through effective communication was implemented and originated from one of the members. Building trust and strengthening others by sharing power and discretion I allowed the members to carry out their responsibilities using their own different methods so long as they worked towards the common goal and objective. By doing this, the youths were certainly able to discover and rate their own performance when the program came to an end by evaluating their final results. Encourage The Heart Just as mentioned earlier, leaders must have a unique personality which is capable of motivating and inspiring others. However, there are many other ways through which a leader can inspire and motivate its subordinates. Many leaders simply motivate their employees with the overall aim of achieving the set goals and objectives which means that they expectations (for themselves and subordinates) are always high but reasonable. In most cases, leaders basically motivate their employees through rewards or public recognition, celebrations and victory partying. However, for a subordinate to be recognized or rewarded, they must have performed well and been successful (MacPhee et al, 2013). Encouraging the heart is basically a technique to uplift a persons spirit and desire to work. The aim of this is to encourage the people not to give up and instead work harder and smarter. However, it is also the responsibility of the leaders to show appreciation to their subordinates contribution and work . However, for a leader to be in a position to reward or recognize the employee, they must have set a certain standard boundary or limit which the employee must have achieved. Encouraging the heart basically eases the leaders responsibility of ensuring that every employee has performed their duty to its completion and success. The commitments involved in this model are: Commitments Contribution recognition or rather show appreciation for good job done In my experience as a youth program supervisor, I got the chance to recognize the youths effort and work in the end of the program period. Value and victory celebrations with the aim of creating community strength A party was prepared where by the community members were invited and the patients themselves involved. The youth group was publicly recognized especially the most active and actionable youths were mentioned and appreciated with gifts. As a supervisor, I was certainly able to exercise the principle of contribution recognition and value celebration. Conclusion Leadership is one of the most fundamental business aspect of an organization that is responsible for ensuring its succession, development and growth. In the health sector, leadership characters and qualifications are mostly most on a persons expertise, skills, knowledge and experience on the field. This is simply because the leaders in a health care setting or institution are in charge of human life and wellbeing. However, it is important for every leader to be in a position to understand and implement suitable leadership models, especially Kouzes and Posners models into their leadership requirement bucket list. Through this, they will certainly be able to exercise the models principles and strategic ideas toward effective and efficient leadership in their responsibilities. Being able to model the way, inspire a shared vision, encourage the heart, enable other to act and challenge the process will enable a leader to be more successful and effective in their role than those that do no t implement these principles. References Baldwin, S., 2013. The importance of leadership development for health visitors.Journal of Health Visiting,1(1), pp.39-43. Cabeza-Erikson, I., Edwards, K. and Brabant, T.V., 2008. Development of leadership capacities as a strategic factor for sustainability. Chuang, S.F., 2013. Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace development. Davis, S.M., 2015.Operationalization of Kouzes' and Posner's Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: A Qualitative Interpretive Case Study. Grand Canyon University. Edmonstone, J., 2009. Evaluating clinical leadership: a case study.Leadership in Health Services,22(3), pp.210-224. Edmonstone, J., 2011. Developing leaders and leadership in health care: a case for rebalancing?.Leadership in Health Services,24(1), pp.8-18. Frich, J.C., Brewster, A.L., Cherlin, E.J. and Bradley, E.H., 2015. Leadership development programs for physicians: a systematic review.Journal of general internal medicine,30(5), pp.656-674. Hao, M.J. and Yazdanifard, R., 2015. How Effective Leadership can Facilitate Change in Organizations through Improvement and Innovation.Global Journal of Management and Business Research. Hunt, P., 2007. Identifying leaders is a professional responsibility.Or Nurse,1(5), pp.14-15. Ionescu, V.C., 2014. Leadership, culture and organizational change.Manager, (20), p.65. Kelloway, E.K. and Barling, J., 2010. Leadership development as an intervention in occupational health psychology.Work Stress,24(3), pp.260-279. Kouzes, J. Posner, B. 2007.The Leadership Challenge. (4th Ed). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Kouzes, J., and Posners, B., 2012, February. The truth about leadership. Kumar, S., Adhish, V.S. and Deoki, N., 2014. Introduction to strategic management and leadership for health professionals.Indian journal of community medicine: official publication of Indian Association of Preventive Social Medicine,39(1), p.13. Ledlow, G.J.R. and Stephens, J.H., 2017.Leadership for health professionals. Jones Bartlett Learning. 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Leadership development programs for health care middle managers: An exploration of the top management team member perspective.Health care management review.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Miracle Worker Essays - Films, Helen Keller, Teleplays,

Miracle Worker In my opinion, all the types of conflict occur in "the Miracle Worker". There is internal conflict such as man versus self. There is also external conflict such as man versus man, man versus nature and also man versus society. An example of man versus self, is in act, scene eight. In this scene, Annie is struggling with her own memories of her dead brother jimmy and of the state alms house. There is another example of conflict in the story. This one is of man versus man. It is all of act II, scene three. Annie spends the entire pantomime struggling and fighting with Helen for control. Annie ends up winning and Helen ate with a spoon on her own and folded her napkin. An example of man versus society is in act II, scene two. Here, the whole family is seated around the dinner table and Jimmy and Captain Keller are having a conversation about the Civil War. Helen is taking what she pleases off of everybody's plate. When Annie stands her ground and tries to discipline Annie, the whole family tries to stop her because of the pity that they feel. Annie is there for in a struggle for power in the household. "The Miracle Worker" is a story mainly about man versus nature. The whole play is an example of this. Annie is always struggling against her blindness and defness.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Secret Universe of Bret Easton Ellis Novels

The Secret Universe of Bret Easton Ellis Novels The term â€Å"shared universe† is usually found in speculative stories, like the epic connections Stephen King has been quietly building by linking all of his novels and many of his shorter works together, or the way H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos continues to be the setting for new stories by various authors. Shared universes are exciting because they add a dimension of epicness that can’t be achieved in a single story and open up opportunities for the author to play around with their own creation by cross-referencing events and characters outside a single narrative.   It’s much rarer to find that sort of meta-textual cross-referencing in non-speculative literature, though. Complicating matters is the fact that the most successful shared universes are built slowly, often without the author’s conscious plan. There’s little doubt, for example, that Stephen King had no idea he was creating a shared universe for the first two or three decades of his career. This led to some fairly incredible retcons in later books as he tried to make everything fit. But this slow revelation is also one of the chief pleasures of a literary canon - that moment in novel three when you start to see the connections is electric. You suddenly realize the author has been putting clues and puzzle pieces in front of you all along. Bret Easton Ellis Novels One of the most unexpected and complex shared literary universes can be found in a very unlikely place: the works of author Bret Easton Ellis. He is a divisive writer. For some people, his name is associated only with his most notorious novel American Psycho and the film adaptation it inspired. Christian Bale played the title role in the film. When American Psycho was published in 1991, the critical reaction was mixed. To put it lightly, the distasteful violence combined with the litany of name-checked designer labels led some to pronounce the novel grotesque. Chances are if you’ve read only one Ellis novel, it’s American Psycho. You may be unaware of the incredibly complex and detailed shared universe Ellis has spun over the course of seven books and 30 years. Camden College The seven books that comprise the Ellisverse are: Less Than ZeroThe Rules of AttractionAmerican PsychoThe InformersGlamoramaLunar ParkImperial Bedrooms These six novels and one short story collection can be considered in some ways as one huge story, sharing many settings, characters, and a general sense that life is a banal nightmare populated by demons who prey on each other. If you read Ellis’ books in order, the realization that everything is connected creeps up on you because Ellis often refers to characters in oblique ways without using their names. The eye of the Ellisverse is fictional Camden College, based on Bennington College, which Ellis attended. Many of the characters in Ellis’ books went to Camden, a college that seems to specialize in drug abuse, sexual shenanigans, and emotional breakdowns rather than any sort of useful major. The Camden connection is often the key to figuring out who characters are referencing when using nicknames like â€Å"the guy from L.A.† or â€Å"Rest in Peace.† The Batemans The other key to the Ellisverse is the Batemans, Patrick and Sean. Patrick, of course, is the probably delusional, possibly murderous serial killer from American Psycho, and Sean is his younger brother. Patrick makes his first appearance in The Rules of Attraction, Ellis’ second novel, which is also Sean’s first reference. While Patrick is depicted in that novel as a pretty distasteful person, there’s no indication that he is (or imagines himself to be) a violent serial killer. What isn’t in any doubt is his mutual hatred for his brother Sean. Patrick then appears, or is referred to, in Glamorama and Lunar Park, becoming increasingly ghost-like and seemingly imaginary. Sean is the main character of Rules of Attraction and also appears in American Psycho, The Informers, and Glamorama. Sean isn’t as violently disturbed as his older brother (whom he hates right back) but he’s also not exactly a nice guy. He lives with a healthy dose of self-loat hing, and attempts suicide several times. Both Bateman boys attend Camden College. Connections in the First Five Books Each novel in the Ellisverse connects to every other one. In Less Than Zero, Ellis’ first novel, we’re introduced to Clay, who has come home from Camden College to Los Angeles. Also featured in the book are his girlfriend Blair, childhood friend Julian, and drug dealer acquaintance Rip. Clay is in The Rules of Attraction, Ellis’ second novel, narrating a chapter anonymously as â€Å"the guy from L.A.† Several verbal tics make him easy to identify. Rip, the drug dealer, is also referred to in The Rules of Attraction in a note placed on Clay’s door saying â€Å"Rest in Peace† called. Rip is Clay’s drug dealer. In The Rules of Attraction, Sean and Patrick Bateman both make appearances. Sean is in love with a girl named Lauren and spends time with a bisexual man named Paul who once dated Lauren and is now obsessed with Sean. According to Paul, he and Sean have a passionate affair, but Sean never once mentions having sex with Paul. Lauren is heartbroken over her ex-boyfriend Victor. American Psycho is dominated by Patrick Bateman, of course, who is either engaged in an epic spree of horrifying violence or suffering a complete mental breakdown, depending on your interpretation of the events. His brother Sean appears, as do Victor and Paul. We also meet Tim, a ​co-worker of Patrick’s, and Donald Kimball, the police detective investigating Patrick’s â€Å"crimes.† The Informers is a series of connected short stories. Sean Bateman returns, as do Tim, Julian, and Blair, and a few other minor characters from the prior three novels. In Glamorama, Patrick Bateman shows up for about three lines, with â€Å"weird stains† on the lapel of his suit in what might be a hint that he really is a psycho killer. The main character is Victor from The Rules of Attraction, and several other characters appear, including Lauren and Sean Bateman. So far, so good. Ellis clearly imagines a world in which all of these terrible people exist. Its a world where time passes and people graduate from school, embark on careers, join terrorist groups, and deal with strange vampires (seriously, read The Informers). With the next two books in the Ellisverse, things get really strange. Lunar Park and Imperial Bedrooms Before we go further, let’s jump back to American Psycho and Glamorama, and a minor character who appears in both: Allison Poole. She actually appears as a character in Jay McInerney’s novel Story of My Life, two years before American Psycho. Allison Poole is based on the real-life Rielle Hunter (who you might recall as the woman who brought down John Edwards’ political career). Patrick Bateman murders (?) Poole in American Psycho, linking Ellis’ fictional universe to McInerney’s in what might be the most audacious bit of shared universing in literary history. Poole then shows up again in Glamorama, perfectly alive, giving credence to the theory that Patrick Bateman doesn’t actually kill anyone and is just, you know, crazy. Ellis’ next book was Lunar Park, and this is where the Ellisverse either goes completely nuts or edges into genius, depending on who you ask. Taking a cue from Stephen King, the man character of Lunar Park is Bret Easton Ellis - or at least, a fictional version of himself. The book is styled as a memoir, and the early chapters describing Ellis’ rise to fame and the first five books are reasonably accurate and realistic. Then the character of Ellis meets an actress and gets married and the story takes a sharp turn into the fictional. What makes this fascinating is that characters from Ellis’ novels turn up in Lunar Park as supposedly real people - including Patrick Bateman and the detective who investigates him in American Psycho, Donald Kimball, and possibly Clay (as there is a character named Clayton who resembles Clay in many ways). Jay McInerney also turns up as a character, making this a delirious land-grab when it comes to shared universes, as Ellis now mo re or less claims most of reality as part of his fictional universe. Even more strange, the possibility that some of these people only exist in the fictional Ellis’ fevered imagination is given a lot of traction. So who’s actually there? It might not be possible to know for sure. And then Ellis gets subtler and yet crazier with Imperial Bedrooms. This book is billed as a sequel to Less Than Zero, and features the returning cast of that novel: Clay, Blair, Julian, and Rip, et al. However, Ellis strongly implies in Imperial Bedrooms that the Clay telling the story isn’t the same person as the Clay who narrated Less Than Zero. The implication is that the original Clay was a fictional version of the real Clay. It’s kind of head-spinning and again demonstrates how Ellis is basically erasing the distinction between a fictional universe and the one we all actually live in. Combined with the question of who actually exists in-universe, and the uncertainty in some of the books as to what actually occurs as opposed to what’s imagined, the Ellisverse starts to become extremely trippy and hallucinatory - on purpose. What Ellis is doing is kind of spectacular. Essentially, the events of his novels and stories are presented as real, or as real as anything in the â€Å"real† world. If Stephen King has his hands full linking all of his fictional works together into a shared universe, Ellis is trying to link everything to his fictional universe of sociopaths, drug addicts, and haunted celebrities. It just might be the most ambitious literary experiment ever undertaken. Sources Birch, Helen. Book Review / American psycho-drama: The informers - Bret Easton Ellis: Picador, pounds 9.99. Independent, October 30, 1994. Elder, Richard. Flopsy, Mopsy, Paul, Sean and Lauren: The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis. Los Angeles Times, September 13, 1987. Jordison, Sam. Guardian book club: Bret Easton Elliss American Psycho. The Guardian, July 14, 2010. Kakutani, Michiko. Books of the Times; The Young and Ugly. The New York Times, June 8, 1985. Mendelsohn, Daniel. Lesser Than Zero. The New York Times, January 24, 1999. Scott, A. O. Lunar Park: Hero and Heroin. The New York Times, August 14, 2005. Wynn, Gary. Rielle Hunter on Her Relationship With John Edwards Today, Their Life With Their Daughter Quinn. Suzan Clarke, ABC News, July 22, 2016.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Definition and Examples of the Straw Man Fallacy

Definition and Examples of the Straw Man Fallacy The straw man is a  fallacy in which an opponents argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted. The technique often takes quotes out of context or, more often, incorrectly paraphrases or summarizes an opponents position. Then after defeating the position, the attacker claims to have beaten the real thing. Although the term straw man is a recent coinage, the concept is ancient. In the Topics, Aristotle acknowledges that in argument it would be inappropriate to interpret as someones position an opinion that he did not express or is not committed to, in virtue of what he said (Douglas Walton, Methods of Argumentation). The name of the fallacy represents the idea that although a straw man may look like a human, it wont put up any resistance in a fight. The straw man fallacy also goes by the name Aunt Sally, particularly in Great Britain. Straw Man in Commercials Commercials make use of straw man fallacies. In the famous Wheres the beef? Wendys campaign, the commercials exaggerate the tiny amount of meat that other chains use in their burgers to show how much bigger and better its burgers are. Straw Man in Politics Straw man has always been the stock-in-trade of advertisers and political smear campaigns, illustrate authors Nancy Cavender and Howard Kahane in their book Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric. A group called Common Sense Issues made a million automated phone calls to voters in the 2008 South Carolina primaries claiming that John McCain has voted to use unborn babies in medical research. This was a gross distortion of his position to support research on stem cells gathered from embryos (12th ed. Wadsworth, 2014). During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton was for open borders. He took a comment out of context from a speech she gave to a Brazilian bank about trade and energy to twist it into a statement that preyed on some peoples fears of immigrants. He claimed she wanted people to be able to enter the border without going through any kind of process at all, which isnt true. His sound-byte distortion likely had an effect on voters, as immigration was a big issue in the campaign, and his repetition of the claim was easier to remember than her stances about nuances in the complex issue. Sometimes people morph the straw man into a warning about a slippery slope where allowing one side to win would put humanity on a course of destruction. Any time someone begins an attack with So youre saying we should all just... or Everyone knows..., you can bet a straw man is coming, wrote author David McRaney. Straw men can also be born out of ignorance. If someone says, Scientists tell us we all come from monkeys, and thats why I homeschool, this person is using a straw man, because science doesnt say we all come from monkeys. (You Are Not So Smart.  Penguin, 2011) Countering the Straw Man To refute a straw man attack during a debate, point out the fallacy and how it is incorrect. If you ignore it and the attacker keeps harping on it, the real issue could get buried in the straw. If you try and defend what the opponent said is your position, it gets increasingly difficult to show how the opponent distorted your views.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The outcomes of Turning Kuwait into a tourism country Research Paper

The outcomes of Turning Kuwait into a tourism country - Research Paper Example In short the, impact of developing Kuwait’s tourism industry has been explained in detail in this report. Kuwait is sovereign state place in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, constituting in western Asia. The country is bordered by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The name â€Å"Kuwait† means the fortress built near water. It comprises of total of 6889 sq miles and houses a population of about 3.5 million people (PACA). Like all developed countries of the world Kuwait also tries to enhance its image to the outside world to enhance an image of the place to be visited as a recreation, not only business. As it an established fact that the prime source of income for the Kuwaiti government is the oil sector, there are various other sectors the governments is looking into with n angle of revenue generation. Tourism is one such department in which the Kuwaiti government has taken interest lately. The report discusses the prime targets that are set for the tourism industry, its benefits and downsides that come along with any sort of urban or cultural development. This report in detai l also discusses the area which will enhance tourism, including places already present and those which can be developed along with proper marketing to induce the world travelers to home in their travel destinations in this part of the world. The Tourism is simply explained as the traveling which is done for pleasure or fun. Many people all around the world travel to different destinations across the world to see places and monuments of their choice and personal liking. Personal likes may include structures of sculptural beauty, attractive spots of nature and so on. Hence we can find a number of tourists at all time in all countries of the world, even space is being converted into a tourist destination which is not even in this world, for those who can afford it. The travels of the foreign tourist bring a lot of money to the countries where they travel. Hence, tourism

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

UPS and Global Marketplace Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

UPS and Global Marketplace - Term Paper Example The globalization has changed the world of logistics. In this paper I will be focusing on one of the largest logistics firm named UPS and will try to highlight on some of the key issues like their competencies, strategic transformations, customer-focused service and eco friendly activities. UPS in brief UPS is a process based firm and it was founded in the year 1907 in Seattle, Washington. It is basically a package delivery company headquartered in Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States. UPS is well known for its brown cars. It also operates its own airline. The essential part of it is that it provides the product as its process. UPS is the leader in freight services as well as in supply chain; in addition to that they are the largest package delivery company in the world. They supply around 3.8 billion packages annually across 200 countries and territories. The company is also the global leader in the logistics segment. UPS provides the most fuel-efficient logistics networks in the world, by mitigating the carbon footprint indirectly. They provide services, expertise, consulting support and also the products to green the supply chains of their own. In the year 2010, each day the company used to deliver more than 15.6 million packages to a minimum of 1.1 million customers per day which represents approximately 2% percent of GDP. They offer high class integrated solutions to mitigate the challenges faced in the globalization (Kumar, 2007, pp.5-11). Globalization and the UPS strike A report published in 1995 says that UPS undergone a signi ficant change in their management and started to follow strategic market management through which they were on the front lines of competition. The company grew from a bicycle delivery service to a digitally coordinated corporation by using several strategies like ensuring maximum flexibility while cutting down the operational cost. It is quite evident that it was just because of the workers’ loyalty and commitment which made the company to stand high but the problems occurred when the higher authority started to enforce rules upon them. The workers found hardly any variation from the company’s stereotype rules. The injury rate in the organization was growing high and the workers didn’t find the place safe enough to work. Due to the implementation of several strategies in the globalization phase the company was getting high returns but still the workers didn’t get any benefit out of that and got frustrated. Hence, due to these several reasons they stand ag ainst the company for a strike in the year 1997 and challenged the globalization (Kumar, 2007, pp.5-11). Some approaches of being global Though the culture of UPS has been tested many times but still it is their core through which the company is standing sky high against the pressures from competitors. They did not mould into pressure even during the worst economic times. They took many initiatives and approached challenges. They created a centralized process group, which is known as Program Management Group-Process Center of Excellence by which they can propose the initiatives after which it is evaluated. After the evaluation it is well approved and then measured. This is an effort to redefine the Strategic Processes of the organization. It also ensures that the processes are documented. It also provides the training in design and process analysis. It is quite evid

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Web 2.0 Learning Essay Example for Free

Web 2.0 Learning Essay The original wiki, The Portland Pattern Repository (Portland pattern repository, n. d) was created by Full Name Cunningham in 1995 (c2. com/cgi. wiki? WikiHistory – reference properly – if there is no author use the title of the page The definition of a wiki is a webpage or set of webpages that can be easily edited by anyone who is allowed access (Edersbach et al. ,2006 ). The overriding goal of a wiki is to become a shared repository of knowledge with the knowledge base growing over time (Godwin-Jones, 2003). Chawner and Lewis (2004) noted that a wiki is an example of â€Å"social software†, â€Å"a type of software that makes it easy for groups of people to work in a virtual environment†. However, Viegas , Wattenberg and Dave (2004) indicate that wikis are vulnerable to malicious edits or â€Å"vandalism,† which can be a problem at may levels. However, Cych (2006) argues that acts of vandalism and mistakes are rectified quite quickly by the self-moderation processes at work (a couple of sentences expanding on this issue is needed here – if I were you I’d try and refer to something which discusses the accuracy of wikipedia against the encyclopeadia britannica). As an alternative to the global editing of wiki’s, restricting access to registered users only is often used for professional, work group wikis. One of the great features of a wiki is its capacity to be able easily editable. A wiki has the capacity to be able to be edited collaboratively rather the information presented in wikis have the option to be edited or added utilizing a very rudimentary mark-up computer code that would use a internet explorer or browser. Broken down, one page within a wiki is referred by many as a wiki page as compared to the entire set of wiki pages is called a wiki when taken into consideration (Cunningham Leuf 2001). Thus, it can be generalized that a wiki is a collection of information where contributors can contribute collectively and users can access freely information. This has been proven as one of the most accessible or effective web 2. 0 applications in providing accessible and affordable information to students and researchers. One characteristic of a wiki that has made it so popular in sharing and communicating information to students is its ease of usability. Students need not have a degree in computer science or web applications but rather just the passion of sharing intuition and a little bit of patience in order to learn the scripts involved in the programming. They are free and without any need for registration so that users need not have the need to register or pay any amount (Aigrain 2003). It also offers real-time editing and creation so it provides the opportunity for students, researchers and faculty with much needed time as they acquire, research, and provide information within the educational institution. To summarize, unlike blogs, Wikis tend to be more structured and flexible,and, while blogs can be highly personal, wikis are intensely collaborative (Godwin-Jones, 2003). Wikipedia Wikipedia is full blown example of a Wiki. Wikipedia is the pet-project of Wikimedia Foundation which is a non-profit organization that aims to provide encyclopaedia-type information to internet users. Wikipedia has then turned out to become almost a household name, with more than 8,000,000 online articles that is accessible in the internet and is presented in more than 250 languages (it is noteworthy that almost 2,000,000 of those articles are made in English). These articles are peer-developed, rather they are developed and continually improved by researchers, users and experts of a particular field in order to provide the most accurate and up to date information on a given topic/subject (Hinchcliffe, 2006). Currently, Wikipedia holds just below 610 million words which are approximately 15 times more than what Encyclopaedia Britannica holds in these books (Godwin-Jones, 2003). Because of its nature of being able to be written collaboratively by practically anyone that has something to contribute in the page, its fame and usefulness as a resource for information has steadily increased even from the start of its creation. Currently Wikipedia is within the top ten websites around the world that is being visited daily by users worldwide (Chawner Lewis, 2004). The name â€Å"Wikipedia† that was developed by Wikimedia is a combination of two words – Wiki which points to an online collaborative effort in creating an article or text and Encyclopedia (Godwin-Jones, 2003). But fame is without its critics. Because of Wikipedia’s astronomical rise and open nature, other people critical about these aspects have begun to look closer on wikipedia’s accuracy, precision with respect to how it is able to present information and reliability for users and researchers alike. Wikipedia has been constantly hounded with comments pertaining to high vulnerability of being vandalized and used for spreading wrong information that can be used as reference. However, because of its huge support from users, contributors and sub-programs have begun to address these problems (Chawner Lewis, 2004). In addition to this, there were studies conducted that focused on these two aspects of wikipedia and they showed that in general, Wikipedia’s instances of vandalism is rather short-lived and is as accurate as any other encyclopaedia, online or hard bound. Because of this it has won such prestigious awards as the Time Person of the year that focused on how Web 2. 0 technologies has furthered and practically galvanized online collaboration and collective effort throughout the world in order to produce scholarly articles for free.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Failure of the Welfare System in France Essay -- The Violence of H

IntroductioThe Algerian War of Independence in 1962 marked the end of France’s colonial regime. Before decolonization, Algeria had been held as the prize of the French empire, â€Å"one of the most beautiful provinces of France.† While it is somewhat inaccurate to pose Algeria and France as separate states throughout the process of colonization and decolonization, for consistency and clarity, Algeria and France will be referred to as separate entities, although for much of the studied time period, Algeria was a part of France. Algeria and France enjoyed a special relationship, beyond that which France had with its other colonies. This allowed freer migration between Algeria and France, and France fought harder to keep Algeria as a colony than it did with any of its other colonies. It established two separate welfare programs, one track for immigrants from countries other than Algeria and one for Algerians. Throughout this process, Algerians and other Maghrebi immigran ts were integral to the French industrial force even as immigration policy changed around them. This paper seeks to unpack the French welfare state and humanitarian aid through the lens of housing for Algerian immigrants between the end of World War II and the mid 1970s. Ultimately, I argue that the welfare state in France is founded on flawed perceptions of â€Å"the other† and that humanitarian aid as it stands in France only works to perpetuate inequalities. The first recorded evidence of Algerian immigrants in France dates from 1871, just at the beginning of the second industrial revolution. It was not until just before World War I, though, that any significant migration to France took place. At this time, no migration from Algeria to France was permanent migration, a... ...n France.† MERIP Reports No. 34, 1-12. French Court of Auditors. â€Å"De la SONACOTRA à   Adoma : des dà ©rives corrigà ©es tardivement† in Rapport public annuel 2013 – fà ©vrier 2013. (See attachment) â€Å"France: Soundtrack to a Riot†, Accessed 27 April, 2014. Lyons, Amelia. The Civilizing Mission in the Metropole: Algerian Families and the French Welfare State during Decolonization. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013. Mehta, Brinda. â€Å"Negotiating Arab-Muslim Identity, Contested Citizenship, and Gender Ideologies in the Parisian Housing Projects: Faà ¯za Guà ¨ne’s Kiffe Kiffe Demain.† Research in African Literatures, Vol. 41, No. 2, 173-202. Ticktin, Miriam. â€Å"Where Ethics and Politics Meet: The Violence of Humanitarianism in France.† American Ethnologist, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Feb, 2006), 33-49.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chinese Cinderella

Chinese Cinderella Essay In the book, â€Å"Chinese Cinderella,’ by Adeline Yen Mah, there are many things that happen to Adeline throughout her life. The book is based on the original Chinese Cinderella, had a similar life to Adeline. Both were maltreated by their stepmothers, both original mothers die and both gradually become more powerful and renowned throughout their lives. The two girls were severely maltreated by their stepmothers throughout their childhood years. Chinese Cinderella, Ye Xian, was bullied by her stepmother.In the letter from Aunt Baba about the Chinese Cinderella, it said, â€Å"Her stepmother maltreated her, showing preference for her own daughter. † So what Ye Xian’s stepmother did was, she ate Ye Xian’s only friend, her goldfish, then she hid it but then Ye Xian found out. Adeline Yen Mah was also maltreated by her stepmother. Her stepmother was always biased and only treated her own children and the elder children (siblings of A deline) well. For example, Niang never gave her any tram money but she gave it to the other children.Also, Niang and her father never cared for her when she was young. What Adeline’s parents did affected her a lot in life. Adeline would strive to achieve more throughout her time at school to show what she could do, which made her more confident to work harder and have a better future. Both of the girls’ mothers die when the girls were very young. Ye Xian’s mother died first, and then her dad passed away a short time later. So the only carer for Ye Xian was her father’s other wife, her stepmother. She had her own child and didn’t care much for her, leaving Ye Xian on her own.Adeline’s mother died when Adeline wasn’t even in kindergarten yet. But Adeline wasn’t told much about her mother, even how her mother looked. On page 3, it said, â€Å"Do you have a picture of my dead mama? † But her aunt hesitated a bit and said no. This changed Adeline’s life because this could have made her work a lot harder at school so she could get a good job and try to recover her mother’s history. The two girls were afraid and weak when they were young but proved they could do well and become powerful when they got mature. Ye Xian was a professional at being a potter.She made many pots once and traded them for a pair of golden shoes. She wore them to a festival but lost one. A warlord found out it was Ye Xian’s shoe and married her. This is how Ye Xian was successful at the end. Adeline Yen Mah also became powerful at the end after all the years of suffering. She got very good marks at school and entered a writing contest once and won first prize. Her father was proud of her for one time and let her go to university in England. She was successful and got married and became a mother, which was a very big responsibility for her.How they became powerful was a big step for the two girls because they cou ld have courage in themselves, giving them more opportunities they had never done before and not be afraid to encounter problems. I think that Aunt Baba sent her this story because she wanted to tell Adeline she wasn’t the only person that was treated that way and wanted to give her more faith in herself. In conclusion, Chinese Cinderella and Adeline Yen Mah had pretty much the same life, but just different people in their stories. Chinese Cinderella Adeline Yen Mah’s novel Chinese Cinderella is an autobiographical novel about ‘the secret story of an unwanted daughter. ’ The novel is memorable because the story is intriguing and it is also historical as it depicts the chaos of China in the early 1940s. The novel is also remarkable for its strong depiction of characters. The novel is based on a girl called Adeline who is neglected and unloved by her family members. There are few people who love her. Adeline’s family considers her bad luck because they believe she killed her mother. Big Sister [tells] me, ‘†¦ Mama died giving birth to you. If you had not been born, Mama would still be alive. She died because of you. You are bad luck. † (Yen Mah, 1999:3). Chinese Cinderella is the story of Adeline’s struggle for acceptance and how she overcomes the odds to prove she is worth a chance. She does this by excelling in her studies at school. She is born the fifth child to a wealthy Chine se family where her life began tragically due to her mother’s death. She then struggles to find a place where she feels she belongs.With no love given from her parents, she finds a special relationship with her grandfather and Aunt Baba, who she is later separated from. She is then sent to a convent boarding school in Tianjin where the communists enter under their leader Mao Ze-Dong. Soon she is the only child left in the convent due to communism. After many months she is collected by Aunt Reine Schilling who is Niang’s sister. â€Å"Adeline! ’ she smiled and greeted me in English. ‘†¦ Do you remember me? I am Aunt Reine Schilling, your Niang’s older sister. ’†¦ ‘Come here! Don’t be afraid! †¦ (Yen Mah, 1999:154). Adeline was then taken to Hong Kong. The characters in Chinese Cinderella are portrayed very well. Every character is three dimensional. The horror of Adeline’s life is depicted vividly in the nov el. The characters in this novel vary in personalities. The aspect of the story that impacts on the reader is the terrible treatment Adeline endured. Niang, who is the stepmother, has a particular hatred towards Adeline. Her father, who is a mysterious character loves her at times and at others uncaring towards Adeline. â€Å"Is this medal for topping your class? he asked. I nodded eagerly, too excited to speak. † (Yen Mah, 1999:11). This was the only time he congratulated Adeline. Adeline has three brothers and one sister. She is attached to Aunt Baba most who is a loving character. She shows great love and affection towards Adeline unlike her other family members. Her grandfather (Ye Ye) is one of her most passionate supporters throughout the story. Her grandfather believed in her so much that Adeline said â€Å"And if I should be so lucky as to succeed one day, it [is] only be because you [believe] in me. † (Yen Mah, 1999:208).This proves the influence her grandfath er had on her. Chinese Cinderella is so well written that one could envisage what China was like in the early 1940s. In the late 1930s to the early 1940s China was a strict society. People expect you to be obedient and respectful. Adeline’s life starts in Tianjin where she is born. She studies kindergarten with her older sister Lydia at St Joseph’s French Convent School. As soon as she starts school she shows her talent and skills. â€Å"What’s that hanging on your dress? † â€Å"It’s something special that Mother Agnes gave me in front of the whole class this afternoon.She called it an award. † My aunt looked thrilled. â€Å"So soon? You only started kindergarten one week ago. What is it for? † â€Å"It’s for topping my class this week†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Yen Mah, 1999:1) Adeline continues her success at school. A few months later in early 1942 Adeline’s Nai Nai dies of a massive stroke. Adeline’s family is planning to move to Shanghai due to the Japanese communists but waited six weeks till after Nai Nai’s funeral. Then Adeline, Big Sister, Big Brother and Second Brother left to Shanghai to live with Niang. On the way to Shanghai â€Å"[They] were delighted and astonished†¦ (Yen Mah, 1999:24) when they came face to face with their father. Even in Shanghai Adeline continues to succeed at school. The reader can imagine the conditions to which Adeline was subjected. One could imagine the misery of having to walk home from kindergarten. One afternoon, â€Å"Not long after Father and Niang [return] from Tianjin, Mr and Mrs Huang [come] to visit. They [bring] gifts for all seven of us children in a large cardboard box with several holes punched in the lid†¦When we [open] the gift from the Huangs, we [are] delighted to find seven little baby ducklings. (Yen Mah, 1999: 83). Adeline names her duckling PLT (Precious Little Treasure). After a few days Adeline’s father suggests t esting Jackie’s, the pet dog’s obedience after dinner. He orders fourth brother to fetch a duckling and he came down with PLT. That night is PLT’s death. Fourth brother has been with Adeline during PLT’s funeral. Soon Niang decides to get Lydia married. After the wedding Niang moves Adeline into Tianjin and sends her to a convent boarding school. By December that year she is the only student left due to the communists.Aunt Jeane Schilling comes to pick her up and take her to Hong Kong where she studies secondary school. Later Adeline studies medicine in England. The language in Chinese Cinderella successfully describes Adeline’s life, particularly the hardships. Upon hearing that Adeline wins the writing competition and her father being pleased she imagines, â€Å"[Her] whole being [vibrates] with all the joy in the world. I only [have] to stretch out my hand to reach the stars. † (Yen Mah, 1999:220). This quotation means that Adeline feels as though all the joy is inside her.She had so much joy she is vibrating. She thought the joy lied in the stars, which she obtains by stretching towards the sky. The language is also very emotive because the novel describes the feelings of every character, such as the scene when Adeline’s little duckling PLT is killed by their dog. â€Å"I [am] overwhelmed with horror. My whole world [turns] desolate. † (Yen Mah, 1999: 96). Adeline says this in a very small amount of words, but it is so descriptive you can feel the emotion.This quotation means that she is suffering through too much horror and sadness to cope with. Adeline felt that the whole world was deserted, nothing but grief. Through the language the reader is able to resonate with the hardships Adeline endured. Chinese Cinderella is a novel which depicts the chaos of China in the early 1940s. It is an autobiographical novel telling the story of an unwanted daughter. The novel is memorable because the language is c aptivating. Chinese Cinderella is remarkable for its strong interpretation of the characters.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Product Planning Distribution and Management (a Case Study of the Nigeria Bottling Company’s Plc, Enugu.

A Paper PRODUCT PLANNING DISTRIBUTION AND MANAGEMENT (A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIA BOTTLING COMPANY’S PLC, ENUGU. ABSTRACT Product planning distribution and management are very vital in the production and distribution of very manufacturing organization. Before ever a manufacturing company should come out with a good quality product, it must undergo many processes, from planning for either short range or long, fore casting doing market research and consumer survey, protesting the product and introducing the product to the market through different channels of distribution.The aim of this study is to describe how the Nigeria bottling company plc, Enugu is really involved in the process of product planning, distribution and management. This is done by gathering information from certain problems usually associated with product planning, and proposing remedial measures after revealing areas of problem. The question in the questionnaire were based on the research question s developed for this purpose while analysis were made using the chi-square (x2) test and percentage from here a discussion of the findings, recommendation and conclusion were made by the researcher.It is hoped that this will aid managers in planning, distribution and managing the their products by taking effective and efficient decisions in these important decision areas. For examples the company should recruit highly staff and give them adequate training. PREFACE This work is deemed to high light on problems involved in product distribution and management. These tasks are undertaken by management to ensure product growth and increase market share.My reason for selecting the Nigeria bottling company Plc, Enugu is due to the wide range of produce in the market needed to be evaluated against the back ground of produce planning distribution and management. For the continued existence of companies products must be produced and sold profiatably. New product must have to be introduced and told and un profitable products must have to be deleted. TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgment Abstract Preface Table of content CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. Background of the study 2.Statement of the problem 3. Objective of the study 4. Research question 5. Scope of the study 6. Limitation and problems 7. Significance of the study 8. Definition of term CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Meaning of product 2. Product classification 3. product planning and product development 4. Decision areas in product planning 5. The function of product planning 6. New product 7. Planning for new product 8. Product attributes 9. Product positioning 10. The expanding duties of the product manager 11. Physical distribution 12. Physical distribution objective 3. Distribution channels 14. Selection channels of distribution CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY 1. Research design or methodology 2. Area of study 3. Population of the study 4. Sample size d etermination 5. Instrument for data collection 6. Validation of the instrument 7. Reliability of the instrument 8. Methods of data collection 9. Method of data analysis CHAPTER FOUR DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 1. Presentation and analysis of data 2. Testing of hypothesis 3. Summary of results CHAPTER FIVEDISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 1. Summary of finding a d discussion 2. Conclusions 3. Recommendations Bibliography Appendix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. 1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A product has been defined by the American marketing association as any thing that can be officered to a market for attention, acquisition or consumption including physical objects, services, personalities, organization and desires. A product as defined by stanchion in fundamentals of marketing. A product is a set of tangible and intangible attributes that leads to customer satisfaction. roduct planning embraces all the activities that enables a company to determine what product t will market. Ma nagement deals with all those who have supervisory responsibility ranging from the chief executive down to the first line supervisor, in this case, management is regarded to as box, that is those who direct the work of others and their own through their own offers and efforts of others thus, product planning and management, comprises all the activities that enables a company to determine what it will market of product so as to satisfy customers wants and need respectively.This involves the process of effectively planning and regulating the operations of that part of enterprises which is responsible of that part of enterprises which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products. This includes all the activities required. In storage and distribution of the company’s goods. This addresses the questions of. a. Which type of channels a seller should select for his product. b. Which particular middlemen include in each channel type and. c. How to management distribution n system for effective performance.The company or firm should know the degree of channel control desired, by controlling the channel, the producer attempts to ensure that this product will receive the necessary sales push as well as any other essential elements needed to present the product properly and satisfy and customers. The company of firm should make necessary effort to control the quality of the product. Product quality-the quality level to be built into the product is a conscious decision to be made by the manufacture. A higher quality product normally is more costly to product than a lower quality one and so commands a higher price on the market.The quality level decision therefore should be related to the price range that will be attractive to the mainstreams of potential buyers, quality is multifaceted. It relates to, or depends on. Such factors as the quality of raw materials used the production process Itself, quality controls during production packaging or dressing of the product, price of the product, the environment in which the product is displayed for buys, the durability of the product is used and the buyers, expectation and appreciation in general, product quality tends to be high to the extent that any of the above factors is good or high as the case may be.The quality produced has be in line with demand at a particular point in time so as to fight against out of stock and over stock. The company has to be watchful at any point in time so as to know what type of product to be produced, when to produce. How to produce, whom to produce for the (target market) and cloy such a product is required. According to Charles a Scheve and Reuben M Smith. The basic goal of product management is to ensure that a product matches the wants and needs of consumers in its market.Then many markets make the mistake of thinking that consumers feel and act as they do and share their wants† invalid assumptions on the part of markete rs. Results to marketing failures previously, about one hundred years ago, there were few producers. The sellers oriented type of market was prevailing consumers out weighted the number of producers and little or no regards was paid to consumers welfares. Production concept of marketing philosophy was prevalent. What ever was produced had to be consumed. This goes to mean that the total produce concept is the entire set of benefits the products provides to the consumers.No attention was paid to product packaging, branding product quality and other important physical attributes of a product. As time went on, more and more producers come into the market. This gave rise to conception among the available producers consumption was based on good packaging brand image, product quality convenient. This is known as product concept in marketing philosophy. It is this situation that forced manufactures to spend time in product packaging, labeling, branding etc. Now due to advancement in both t echnology and communication as will as production equipment introduced into the circulation makes the market more complicated.This is the era that brought about marketing concept. Here manufactures and producers first of all is out to find really the needs and wants of consumers, then the most admirable type colour, package design, branding and labeling that all best suit the desire of the potential and actual consumers of the product. Product planners must try to match the firms resources lie what it is capable of producing with the men, money, machines and materials it ahs with the needs of consumers satisfaction and highest company profits can be achieved wit the limited resources available.Because of the sophisticated nature of today’s business, many tactics are being applied by different companies to fight back competitions and to stand firmly in the market. Many new products are constantly being introduced into the market. Innovators are seriously doing their job; old a nd profitable products are modernized while some are deleted out of the market. Companies use specific and admirable packaging design, good branding and beautiful types of labeling to distinguish their products from many in circulation. Similar products in the market. . 2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM In most business operations today the task of planning and managing a product is not an easy one. Emphasis is laid on the problems associated with product planning distribution and management in NBC PLC Enugu. The company is having problems in procuring raw materials. The reason is that. a. The Federal Government banned the importation of the base material-what? b. Local supplier do not always have enough to give the company. c. The local inputs have to be refined to bring them to the standard record by the company. d.Transporting the raw materials is a problem since the company does not have enough f town trucks. e. The raw materials are usually bulky. The company is also having problems in pro duct planning and development. The reason being that the company exists in an economy strangled by hyperinflation and insecurity. Consumers are now being very careful on what to spend for or consumer. Another problems that the company encounters is that of increased competitions from companies like 7 up bottling PLC. The company’s competitors are having a high quality of product often not much different from the NBC.Even where NBC gain in terms of quality and diversification, other gain by more liquid content, as 7 up against sprite and cheaper prices. In the area of distribution and product management, the company has insufficient number of trucks and experiences bottle breakages and pilfrages. 1. 3OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY This study is purely on product planning, distribution and management. It aims at describing how NBC PLC is really involved in these task. To do this the study is armed with information gathered from extensive literature review as a base.The main and primary objectives of this study is to define certain problems usually associated with product planning distribution and management in NBC PLC which require a proposal of remedial measure after reveal areas of the problems. The study will investigate on the areas of the company’s procurement of raw materials use. How the company plans for its products. How this product is developed. How the management and workers take decision, what channel of distribution is used, and how are the products managed from production to consumption.It is also important to mention that this research work is very vital in partial fulfillment of the award of ordinary national diploma (OND) in the polytechnic IMT Enugu state. 1. 4RESEARCH QUESTIONS For the purpose of this study the following research question have been proposed by the researcher. 1. Do you have problems in procuring raw materials used by your company. 2. Do you plan for your product before production. 3. Do you encounter certain problems in planning and managing your products. 4. Do you normally meet up with demand during peak period. 5.How do distribution cope with the distribution system of your company. 6. Do your products meet a real need of consumers or do they complain of poor quality. 1. 5SCOPE OFD THE STUDY This study covers the Nigerian Bottling company PLC Enugu the producer of i. Coca-cola ii. Sprite iii. Fantat (Quinine and Orange) iv. Krest v. Tonic water vi. Chapman vii. Club soda The researcher basing my write up-on coca-cola which is the first product of the company when it state production in 1963. For NBC PLC, Enugu this study is structured to consider product planning distribution and management only. . 6LIMITATION AND PROBLEMS Initially the scope of this study was designed to cover all the plants in the Eastern region including Makurdi) of Nigerian but due to time and finance constraints, only the Enuygu plants was studies, this plant however covers most of the old Eastern region, minus Aba and Por t-Harcourt. Makurdi is considered a part of Enugu. In carrying out this product work, the researcher faced some problems which ranged from financial constraints, time constraints, to the problems of data collection.The researcher faced some financial problems in carrying out this research arising from frequent traveling to all depots for data collection with the unsteady high transportation cost. There is also high cost of writing sheets and high secretarial charges in the typing and binding of the research work. Another major constraint is that of time factor. This is imminent as the researcher was exposed to two strongly opposing alternative choices to chose from. That is choice between attending lectures and that of traveling to depots for data collection in which the opinions have to be met within weeks posses as an.Data collection also posses as an obstacle in the task accomplishment in that the data so sought were not readily available and the researcher had to make repeated v isits on several occasions before obtaining th required data. In the face of all these problems the researcher forged ahead by overcoming these problems and making the researcher work successful. 1. 7SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This write up is likely to be beneficial to three parties particularly. The student (Writer). The subject matter (Nigerian Bottling company PLC Enugu) and the Institute of management and technology (IMT) and probably the country in general.It is beneficial to the write in the sense that it gives him opportunity to review personally almost all that it exposed the writer to a very wide area f business most especially during the cross of research and widened his knowledge. Also with the opportunity provided by the research study, the writer having obtained facts from research carried out will be privileged to express higher opinion based on personal judgment on the subject matter (Nigeria Bottling Company PLC Enugu) when the suggestions and recommendations provide d by this study are implemented this is it fault will reality the weaknesses identified during the course of study.Also the exposure and awareness which this project will create about (Nigerian Bottling Company PLC Enugu) could help in attracting different categories of individuals and groups to come and invest in (Nigeria n Bottling Company PLC Enugu as required by the Authority. Finally, since it is generally believed that examination alone does provides the true test of one’s ability or knowledge the polytechnic could use this project work to measure the performance and seriousness of the student or writer. 1. 8DEFINITION OF TERMBecause of the misconception of product and the mis-positioning of products there is need to explain some production know how which few has been explained above. ORGANIZATION OF BRANDING Organizing of the product branding is a variable product attribute. Branding considered as one aspect of product policy. It seemed also to be a phase of promotiona l policy since it is an and to communication. Brand policy issue center ground the question of whether to brand in the first place and their whether to use individual product brand of a family or blanket brand.The same brand far all the product in the line in there exist a problems of whether to sell price brands. PRODUCT POSITIONING Management ability to position a product appropriately in the market is a major determinant of company profit. According to William Stanton. A product position in the image that product prefects is relations to competitive products by the company in question William Stanton goes on saying that the more to product positioning is an attempt by business. PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTIONThis is the part of marketing that addresses how product are moved and stored. A physical distribution channel include intermediates often not considered to e part marketing channel, such as transportation companies public were house and insurance companies that participates and the mo vement and a towage of products. These agent who do not take thrift to actually own the goods they handle are referred functions is to facilities the movement of goods. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1MEANING OF PRODUCTThe attempt to undertake a study of product planning is beneficial by booking into the books of many intelligent personnel who had done some of work on this topic the following re the views of these learner human beings. A product has been defined by the American Marketing association as anything than can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition or consumption, including physical objects services, personalities, organization and desires† `Product is something that is viewed as being capable of satisfying a need or want.A product is any thing than can be offered to a market for attention acquisition used of consumption that input satisfy a need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places organization and ideas. It may also be a set of tang ible and intangible manufacturing prestige and manufacturers accept as offering wants satisfaction product as defined by Stanton in fundamentals of marketing â€Å"A product is a set of tangible attributes that leads to customer satisfaction†. Product according to Nonyelu G.Nwokoye markets buyers and it is of central importance in the marketing effects â€Å"A product may be defined as a bundle of physical and psychological satisfactions that a buyer receivers from a purchase. It includes not only the tangible object but also such supportive elements as packaging convenience of purchase, post-sale services and others that buyers value†. According to pride/feared: A product is everything (both favourable and unfavourable) that on receives in an exchange. It is a complex of tangible and intangible attributes including functional, social and psychological utilities or benefits.A product can be idea, a services, a good or any combination of the three. 2. 2PRODUCT CLASSIFIC ATION â€Å"One result of taking this broad view of product is that there are literally millions of products to be marketed. A new products are identified developed, discovered, invented or born every day. While each of this product demand a unique marketing mix† We have two broad types of product: 1. The consumer product and 2. Industrial product. Consumer s products:In this type of products, not all consumers product are the same. Rather they can be subdivided on the basis of how people buy them.Since the purpose of marketing is to satisfy wants and needs. It is only logical to classify products on the basis of consumer behaviour. Thus consumer product can be divided into four subgroups. 1. Convenience products. 2. Slopping products 3. Specially product and 4. Unsought products. Industrial products:This type of product is make up of goods or services used in the production of other products. Industrial goods encompass suppliers, accessories, services and even plant and equi pment. This many raw materials and subassemblies that go into a finished can are all industrial products.They are market to automobile manufacturers, not to ultimate consumers. Buyers of industrial products are different frame the buyers of consumer products. In terms of this write up, I do not have to go into detail of industrial products. My concern is on consumer product. TYPES OF CONSUMER PRODUCTS 1. CONVENIENCE PRODUCTS-Are items that consumers want to buy with the least possible shopping effort. Their selection is characterized by routing buying behaviour. Through these product are bought often, consumers do not seek information about them. Examples are milk, eggs, cigarettes, chewing gum, chariots.There are three types of convenience products. a. Staples b. Impulse items and c. Emergency goods A. STAPLES- Items are convenience products for which consumers usually do some planning. Food items are good examples. For instance though consumers don’t seek such information a bout milk, they do buy it often and they plan to buy it when preparing to go to grocery stock banking is an example of service that is staples with staple items, the brand or trademark can be very important in buyers minds. And buyers want staples items to be located conveniently. B.IMPULSE ITEMS-Are not purchased because of planning, but because of strongly it immediate needs. Thus distribution is an important factor in marketing impulse products. If they are not located conveniently exchange will not take place. That is why items like novelties, and expensive pans are placed near the cash register in many stores. C. EMERGENCY PRODUCTS-Are items that are needed to solve an immediate crisis time and place utilities are the major ingredients of satisfaction, price and quality are less important, although the product obviously has to be of sufficient quality to meet to meet the emergency. . SHOPPING PRODUCTS-In shopping product, consumer visits several stores to compare price and qual ity before buying. Even before going into the store to buy or examine such products, consumer may study magazines like consumer reports or ask friends for their opinions about certain products or study, advertisement. In order words, before buying shopping products consumer seek information that will allow them to compare two or more brands or substitute products. Shopping products can thus be divided into two: a. Homogeneous product and b. Heterogeneous product. 3.SPECIALTY PRODUCTS-Are items for which there are no acceptable substitutes in the consumers mind. Consumers are ready to s each long and hand until they find them. 4. UNSOUGHT PRODUCTS-Are items that consumers do not readily realize they want or need. They are those products which the consumers do not readily realize they want or need. 2. 3PRODUCT PLANNING AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT According to Stanton- â€Å"product planning embraces all activities that enable a company to determine what product it will market. Product de velopment encompasses the technical activities of product research, engineering and design.More specifically the combined scope of product planning and product development includes making decisions in the areas named below. 2. 4DESIGN AREAS IN PRODUCT PLANNING 1`. Which product should the firm make? 2. Should the company market more or fewer products? 3. What new uses are there for each product. 4. What brand, package and label should be used for each product? 5. How should the product be styled and designed and in what sizes, colours and materials should it be produced. 6. In what quantities should each item be product. 7.How should the product be priced. According to Grolier in modern business (marketing) â€Å"The evolution of scientific product planning in business, designed to reduce the risk of failure and to avoid the enormous waste that failures cause, has led to the formalizing of the various activities involved in product planning. 2. 5THE FUNCTION OF PRODUCT PLANNING Can be summarized in general in the following ten points. a. Evaluation of the idea-Does the product belong in our line? Is the time right for it now? Does this seem like a good idea for us to make this item? . Evaluation of the potential market:Does the consumer want or need this product. Is the market big enough to w arrant our investing the necessary time, manpower and money to make it what influences consumer buying of this type of product? c. Evaluating the product:Is the new idea sufficiently different and superior to existing products competitive product gives the consumer substantially more for his money? d. Evaluating company resources:Is our company set up to make this new product? What additional equipment of manpower will we need to make and market it?Can we make and sell it economically against the price the consumer is willing to pay? How long will it take our company with its present or potential resources to recoup investment and start making a profit from its operation . Approximately where is the break-even point? (The point at which marginal revenue equals margarita cost, at this point there is not profit or loss). e. Preparing customer specifications-If preliminary evaluation is favorable just what is it that the consumer would like in a product of this kind what could the consumer not like?What assurance do we have that a product meeting those specifications will find a ready market? What should our new product be like? What should it do to meet customer specifications? f. Developing the product-Armed with this information, which marketing research has developed for us, we can turn to the engineering or laboratory department for the, development of a [product which meets those specifications as nearly as possible. g. Pre-testing the product-The sample model product, as designed and enveloped by engineering has to be tested in the market against competition.If there is nothing like it on the market now. It must be tested against consumer apathy or resistance. Generally at this stage some modification are indicated as consumer lasted change, or as our model fails to meet customer specifications. h. Producing the product:Once was have tested the model and have confirmed customer desire to buy. We can return it to engineering for last minute modifications and then turn it over to manufacturing for production for the market. Careful sales, advertising and promotion department to prepare their programmes for proper market coverage and market introduction. . Marketing the product-If all necessary planning and programming have been accomplished, marketing the product should begin as son as production has turned out enough unit to meet the initial plan. It is important that dealers and distribution as well as the company’s own sales force, shall have full knowledge before hand. j. Control and evaluation-After new product has been introduced into the market, it has to be controlled and continuously evaluated. Does it meet a real need? Is there sufficient repeat business to keep it in the line?Does it carry its own weight (Volume of sales, volume of profit addition to company prestige etc) 2. 6NEW PRODUCT What is a â€Å"New† product? Must an inter be totally new in concept before we can class it as a new product? Each marketing category may requires quite different marketing programme to ensure a reasonable probability of market success. Three recognizable categories of new products are as following. 1. Products that are really innovative-Truly unique. Example would be a hair-restorer or a cancer cure-products for which there is a real need but for which no existing substitutes are considered satisfactory.In this category we can also include products but satisfy the same needs. Thus television to a great extent replaced radio and movies. 2. Replacement for existing products that are significantly different from he existing foods. Instant coffee replaced ground coffee and coffee bean in many mar kets, then freeze dried inkstand replaced instant coffee. Annual model changes in autos and new fashions in clothing belongs to this category. 3. Initiative product that are new to a particular company but not new to the market. The company simple wants to capture pant of an existing market with a mention product.Perhaps the key criterion as to whether a given product is new is how the intended market perceive it. If buyers perceive that a given item is significantly different (from competitive goods being replaced) in some characteristic appearance, performance) then it is a new product. 3. 7PLANNING FOR NEW PRODUCTS It is now clear that modern business takes the matter of new product very seriously. The well known management consultant, Peter Druck, refers to it as the management in innovation. Basically, business consider that new product pose three major challenges to management . a.The uncertainty of new-product results the rate of failure, even with better organizations, is gr eat until recently eighty to night present of all new products failed. In some companies now, the rate of failure is down as low as 25 percent. But in industry as a while, a new product has no more than a 50-50 chance of success. b. Shortage of the technically-Trained technically trained personnel, capable of taking change of new product development are scare. As new product multiply, the burden on the technically trained grows. Further more, as technology progresses, the technological proficiency of the individual has to increase.This is often a slow process of conation and experience gained on the job and it cannot be developed over night. c. Difficulty of organizing and controlling the new-product development process. We have seen how companies are all empting to meet the problems of organizing and controlling the new product development process. It is largely a human rather than a technical problem involving such decision as how we use the skill s available, where to place the p roduct manager, to whom he should report. And what functions will be assigned to him.Before ever emphasis, is to be laid on functions of product manager, first of all I have to emphasis on management. Management and administration are interchangeable. Management defined broadly as getting things done through other people. This include lower strata and top management. Management deals with â€Å"All those who have supervisory responsibility ranging from the chief executive down to the first line. Supervisor in this case management is regarded to as a Box and that is those who direct the work of others and their work through their own efforts and effort of others.Management generally has three basic task. 1. To set up a general plan or strategy for the business. 2. To direct the execution of this plan 3. To evaluate , analysis, and control the plan in actual operation. Management is usually defined in term of function performed management is what management does. This means that mana gement is both the executive personnel (boss) and a body of knowledge, a practice a discipline or a process. A widely accepted listing of management functions includes. 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Directing 4. Coordinating and 5. Controlling 2. 8THE EXPANDING DUTIES OF THE PRODUCT MANAGERThere is a growing need of a product manager, a single individual in the product division who coordinates the developments of new products. The product manager because, in effect a product specialist who meets the special problems posed by the rapidly growing number of products, the growing importance of new product. The product manager has the responsibility of making sure that each new product has the necessary effort behind it to make it a success. He is more than a mere coordinator. Typically he is charge with the following duties and functions. a. He recommend additions to the line (base on research reports of market needs). . He forecasts sales (based on sales potentials established by resear ch). c. He supervises the preparations of sales promotion to achieve sales goals. d. He determines new product specification based on reports fromn the research department. e. He participates in the preparation sales programmes f. He assists in selling big accounts. g. He councils and advises regional and distribute sales managers. h. He participates in the preparation of advertising plans and programs. i. He prepares product-development budgets (including the budgets for marketing the product). j. He makes pricing recommendations. k.He coordinates the development of new product from idea through commercial marketing. It is important to be aware that the situation with regard to the product manager is in most cases, quite fluid and it is constantly changing. Some companies have used a production manager for years. While many others have adopted the system only recently. The position of product manager, is in neither standard nor settled. In general, there are three main types of pro duct manager set ups emerging in business. One type of product manager places the emphasis on product, another on sals service and the third on decentralization. . 9PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES. â€Å"A firm might elect to product a product based on specific attributes. But these attributes can never be catalogued. The alternatives of product form are infinite. In fact, this great range in alternatives is the reason product development is such a challenging management problem, while we can look at all of the potential features of products, we can look at all of the potential features of products, we can look at certain attributes that historically have command considerable management attention. PRODUCT DIFFERENCIATIONRegardless of the form a new product takes a company most make a decision on the degree of product differentiation to incorporate in the product, A firm seeks the maximum degree of product differentiation, since this large profits. The demand curve for such a product is more ela stic, and the firm more nearly approximates a monopoly position. But every product differentiation is subject to coping by competitors, and a firms competitive advantage is gradually erodes. The goal of product differentiation is universal, there are occasions when it is loss important as objective.In some situations, it can readily be accomplished. Further more, there is always a large segment of industry that tasks a product follower† Position seeking to duplicate the offerings of product leaders. PATENTABILITY For many firms, an essential feature of product development and product competition is the degree of which a candidate product can be protected through patents (or literary work). A tight patent which perpetuates a product is a comparative advantage. And for most firm this potential is deemed essential if they are to invest large sums in product research.But caution should be urged when it comes to relying havily on potent protection. Even the best of patents can be c ircumvented by developing new materials and processed. PRODUCT KNOW-HOW Equally as significant as palatability is production know-how in seeking competitive product advantages companies with high research and development investments, substantial capital vested in production facilities, or a skilled work-force may be able to distinguish their offerings in the market place through lower cost or product improvement. QUALITY The level of product quality requires management action.A decision on a candidate product is frequently made on the basis of the company’s ability to make the product and maintain it reputation for quality, lack of materials, inadequate labour skills or the stage of the products development may be compelling reason for concluding that the product cannot be made commensurate with past quality standards. STYLE We think of style as a distinctive artistic expression in s product. as such it is a permanent thing. This is in contrast to a fashion-a style currently popular. Thousand of styles and created.A fed in contrast to a fashion, is considered to be short-lived and les predictable as to interpolation COLOUR Problems of colour selection for product are allied in those of style selection. For they, too encompass artistic expression. Colour as a variable product feature would seem to warrant special comment, however, for it has become such a significant form of product competition in the consumer goods field. Colour consciousness has compounded production and inventory control problems but correct prediction of consumer colour preferences has again led to competitive advantage.SIZE For some products, a decision is not necessary on product size. But for most of industry size is a product variable. It may tasks the form of varying the size of the product or the amount of the product sold in particular package. Regardless of its form, varying product size calls for a careful analysis of such factors as family size rates of consumption and stor age facilities. PACKAGING Packaging is also a product attributes of considerable importance to some firms. Its advantages are quite memories.Packaging the product facilities protecting it form it from spoilage, evaporation and spilling it protects the product from changes in the weather and from damage from handling by the customer package products are also easier for both consumer and the retail dealer to handle. Consumers find correct packaging an aid to taking products home, in storing them and dispensing the contents dealers’ find that well-packaged product are easier to display, easier to handle at check-out counters and more adaptable to inventory control.A major function of packaging is to aid in product identification, both for dealer and consumer. Well displayed package products represent a principal means of communicating to consumer buyers at a critical stage in the buying process. The point of purchase, in recent years products like been soft drinks etc. has appea red in forms of multiple package. This increases the quality bought by the consumer as a product quality. BRANDING A brand name is a variable product attribute. It is part of the product and part of what consumer buys.Brand name it is seemed also to be a phase of promotional policy since it is an aid to communication. Brand policy issues center around the question of whether to use individual product brands of a family† or â€Å"blanket† brand. The same brand for all the product in the line. There exist a problem of whether to sell private brand. ADVANTAGES OF BRAND IDENTIFICATION â€Å"It enables the sellers o build a consumer following and identify a diven level of quality with a product. It facilities differentiating a product from competitions.It expedites the process of communicating to buyers not at the point of purchase nut through the medium of advertising and occasionally through the publicity. Finally, brand may enable the firm to communicate psychological as well as material values. These psychological values and developed through promotional efforts and they hinge on the connotations that can be associated with the brand name. In some firms there exist a product director often such a product director is called a brand manager.The purpose of a brand manager is to ensure adequate attention and push behind each product. â€Å"A brand manager is responsible for drawing up complete promotional (advertising) programs for him product or a single brand. 2. 10PRODUCT POSITIONING Management ability to position a product appropriately in the market is a major determinant of company profit. In according to William J. Stanton. A product position is the image that product projects is relations to competitive products and to other products marketer by the company in question.William Stanton goes on saying that the more to product positioning is an attempt by business to increase its creditability, build a reputation for reliabilities and generally satisfy a boarder market spectrum over the long run. Again E. Jerome Mc Cathy said product positioning should where proposed and/ on present brands are located in a market it requires some formal market research. 2. 11PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION Physical distribution is the part of marketing that addressed how products are moved and stored.A physical distribution channel includes intermediate often not considered to be part of marketing channel, such as transportation companies, public were houses and insurances companies that participates and the movement and a storage of products, these agents ho do not take title to (actually own) the goods they handle, are referred to as facilitators because their main function is to facilitate the movement of goods. TWO VIEW OF PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION Marketing mangers have different view on what physical distribution really is. Some see physical distribution only as the flow of furnished goods to he consumers, whereas others se it as including activit ies that occur earlier in the process, such as procuring and moving raw materials. A traditional marketing view of physical distributions looks at only the outward consideration and ignores the physical supply and processing or manufacturing activities. The view or typically referred to as simply distributors management. A more comprehensive term for all these physical movement and storage activities is business logistics, which involves the coordination of movements or raw materials, parts, and finished goods to achieve a give service level while minimizing total cost.The concepts contains four element and includes both physical supply and physical distribution that is both inbound and outbound activities, we shall concentrate on three important logistics problems storage, inventory control and transportation. Move recently, several development have viewed physical distribution or logistics as getting goods to buyers, as a supportive subsidiary activity. Managements, interest has n ow been awakened in the logistics problem. One alerting factors is the stand climb in the bill for physical distribution services as freight, warehousing, and inventory.Freight warehousing bills are rising as a result of increased labour, energy and equipment costs. The inventory bill is rising because buyers are tending to place smaller order more frequently, and manufacturers are tending to expand the with and depth of their product lines. According to Nonyelu G. Nwokoye, Physical distribution or logistics is concerned with the efficient movement or raw materials from supplier and finished goods from the end of the production line to the customers. Series of activities must be performed which grouped under four main categories called physical distribution activity center namely. 1. Transport 2.Inventory 3. Warehousing and 4. Communications. In the design of a physical I distribution system starting point by the producer is to set customer service standard. This has a number of dim ension of which the most important is the time it takes to get the merchandise to the customer, that is delivery time. The decision that lead to cost reduction in one activity area such as transportation, may lead to a cost increase in another area like inventory. Therefore, an appropriate strategy in logistics design, is to arrange al the required activities so as to minimize the total cost of providing a desired level of customer service.Now the physical distribution activity areas are to be taken one after the other. 1. TRANSPORT There is availability of wide range of transportation modes to move products to mark rail, highway, water, pipeline, and air, each of this is having different cost and service 9speed) characteristics. Decision must be made on the type of mode of transportation to use for each type of shipment, coordinates movement using more than one mode might be possible. In considering the activity area in transportation order processing is also inclusive. This includ e checking prices and shipping documents. . INVENTORY Inventory is of central importance in physical distribution system design since actual demand (in the form or orders) is rarely exactly the same as forecast demand, inventories or goods must be established and maintained. There are other reasons for carrying inventories. a. To ensure against risks of various kind (strikes in the factory supplier failure). b. Accommodation of production runs before sales and. c. Seasonality of product and/or seasonality of demand, also need are raw material inventories to support production.Inventory carrying cost is high and procedures for proper inventory management must be installed. Over stocking leads excessive inventory carrying cost, while under stocking leads to cost sale and poor customer service. 3. WAREHOUSING Warehousing (for depots) store inventories decision must be made on number of warehouses that are required where they should be located and what products should stocked in what qu antities. Storage may be emphasized in a warehouse for a long time that is the product remaining in one place for a long time.Seasonal products of agriculture in processed from require long-term storage before sale, temporary storage and through out volume may however, be emphasized in which case the warehouse becomes a distribution center. A distribution center receives large loads of homogenous goods, which are mixed and consolidated into out bound shipment to end markets. The emphasis is on moving goods through the facility and not on storage per see material handling is the movement of goods within the plants and warehouses. In this case, suitable equipment must be available to permit economical handling of goods.Unit loads refers to the possible economic to be gained by handling products as a unit load, unit load are form a train load of coal to a master carton containing the individual product units purchased by the final buyer. proper design of unit loads minimizes handling c ost. 4. COMMUNICATION Information is vital for the effective management and control of physical distribution. , this information and related to action and performance within the areas of inventory, warehousing and unit. loading transportation, eg a good communication system should be able to make available on demand the present stock position of each item at each stock.. . 12PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION OBJECTIVE Many companies state their physical distribution objective as getting the right goods to the right places at the right time for the least cost. Unfortunately this provides little actual guidance. No physical distribution system can simultaneously maximize customer services and minimize distribution cost maximum customer service implies such policies as large inventories premium transportation and many warehouses, all of which raise distribution cost. Minimum distribution cost implies such policies as slow and ship transportation, low stock, and few warehouses.LEVEL OF SERVICE (OUT PUT) Basic output of a physical distribution system is the level of customer service. Customer services represents one of the key competitive benefits that a company can offer potential customers in order to attract their business. Philip Kotler view as regard to the level of service from the customers view point, customers service means several things. 1. The speed of filling and delivering normal orders. 2. The supplier’s willingness to meet emergency merchandise needs of the customer. 3. The care with which merchandise is delivered do that it arrives in good condition. 4.The supplier’s readiness to take back detective goods and resupply quickly. 5. The availability of installation and repair service and parts from the supplier. 6. The number of options of shipment load and carries. 7. The supplier willingness to carry inventory for the customer. 8. The service changes, that it whether the services are free or separately prices. 2. 13. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Modern pr oducers do not all their goods directly to the final users. There is a clink between them and the final users such as the intermediaries, which are performing variety of functions and bearing a variety of naries.Some intermediaries-such as wholesalers and retailers-buys, take title to and resell the merchandise. They are called merchant middleman. Others such as brokers manufacturers representatives and sales agents search for customers, and may negotiate on behalf of the producer but do not take title to the goods. Skill others such as transportation companies, independents warehouses, banks and advertising agencies-assist in the performance of distribution but neither take title to goods non negotiate purchases of sales. They are called facilitators.Buck lines definition of marketing channel. A channel of distribution shall be considered to comprise a set of institution, which performs all of the activities (functions) utilized to move a product and its title from production to co nsumption. 2. 14SELECTION CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION Distribution of consumer goods five channels are widely used in the marketing off consumer products. In each of the channels the manufacturers also has the alternative of using sales branches or sale office. According to William J. Stanton five channel of distribution are. 1.Producer consumer this channel is the shorter simplest channel of distribution for consumer products is from the producer id from the producer to the consumer, with no middle men involves the producer may sell from house to house or by mail. 2. Producer retailer- consumer. May large retailer buy directly from manufacturers and agricultural producers. 3. Producer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer. If there is a traditional channel for consumer goods this is it. Small retailer. And small manufacturers by the thousands find this channel the only economically feasible choice. 4.Producer-agent-retailer-consumer instead to use a manufacturers agent, a broker or some other agent middlemen to re ach the retail market, especially large scale retailers. For example, a manufacturers or a glass clearer selected a food broker to reach the grocery store market, including the large chains. 5. Producer-agent-wholesaler-retailer-consumer. To reach small retailers the producers mentioned in the proceeding paragraph often used agent middlemen, who in turn call on the wholesaler who sell to small stores. Distribution of industrial goods, four types of channels is widely used in reaching industrial users†.Again a manufacturer may use a sales branch or a sales office to reach to next institution in the channel, or two levels of wholesalers may be used in some cases see 9fig. 2. 1). 1. Producer-industrial user. This direct channel accounts for a greater dollar volume of industrial products than any other distribution, such as locomotion generators, and beating plants usually sell directly to user. Figures 2. 1 Major marketing channels Available to producers. 2. PRODUCER-Industrial distributions-users: producers of operating suppliers and small accessory equipment frequently use industrial distributors to reach their markets.Manufacturers of building materials and air: Conditioning equipment are only two example firms that make heavy use of the industrial distributor. 3. Producer-agent-user: Firms without their own marketing department find this a desirable channel,. Also a company that wants to introduce a new product or enter a new market may prefer to use agents rather than its own sales force. 4. producer-agent-industrial distribution-user:This channel is similar to the preceding one, it is used when, for some reason it is not feasible to sell through agent directly to the industrial user.The unit sale may be too small for direct selling or decentralized inventory may be needed to supply users rapidly, in which case the storage service of an industrial distributor are required. CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The purpose of this cha pter is to identify and state the various method in which data are been collected. 3. 1RESEARCH DESIGN This research work was aimed at finding out the product planning, distribution and management (NBC, PLC, ENUGU DISTRIC). This end focus was on getting information from the entire staff of personnel, accounts sales and distribution from which the sample size was used.Therefore, the researcher adopted survey research design for the work. This mean that questionnaires were administered as a means of collecting primary data. 3. 2METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION In collecting information for this study the researcher used both the primary and secondary source of data. 3. 2. 1PRIMARY DATA This includes all those materials or data which the researcher gathered at present because of the project understudy. 3. 2. 2SECONDARY DATA Secondary data includes all past data, which can be found in the organizations records and in libraries. 1.To obtain enough past data and all the libraries here in Enugu w ere made use of in eliciting information from various textbook, journals, and newspapers etc 3. 3POPULATION FOR THE STUDY The population of the study is the entire staff strength of NBC plc ENUGU DISTRIC which total up to about 500 staff. This population is made up of 130 senior staff and 370 junior staff. 3. 4SAMPLES AND SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION In order to obtain the sample size from the population the YARO YAMENI formula was used as a guide to arrive at the sample size N N = 1 + N (E)2 Where n = sample sizeN = population e = error estimate the researcher used 15% error estimate and the entire population is 500 therefore N = 500 e = 0. 15 N N = 1 + N (E)2 500500 1 + 5000 (0. 15)21 + 500 (0. 0225) 500 12. 25 8. = 41 So the number of questionnaire distributed is 41 3. 5RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS For this research project to be successful the researcher made use of the following instruments: i. Oral interview ii. Personal observation iii. Questionnaire 3. 5. 1ORAL INTERVIEW This is method instrument, which was prepared and used to elicit information for certain contradicting issues.This is imply face to face asking and answering question between the researcher and the staff of NBC PLC ENUGU DISTRICT. 3. 5. 2PERSONAL OBSERVATION This simply means the general perceptive or over view of the aggregate performance of the company and analysis of data so far collected and thereby value judgment and interpretations made. 3. 5. 3QUESTIONNAIRE The researcher used the structured or closed from of questionnaire where questions are asked and below it the expected responses to the answers are stated for the respondent to close any one that suit lim. 3. 6AREA OF STUDYThe area of study of this research work is the product planning, distribution, and management in NBC PLC ENUGU DISTRICT. 3. 7VALIDITY OF INSTRUMENT The instrument used was constructed by the researcher on the directive of the supervisor who retted it and made necessary. Correction before it was finally type out and di stributed as research instrument (the questionnaire)> 3. 8RELIABILITY OF THE INSTRUMENT The various instrument used in this research work are very reliable because the researcher made use of liable and reliable instrument like the questionnaire which is sample in it’s approach and method of application. . 9METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the data collected using the research instrument were analyzed using simple percentage and descriptive methods. Some response to the question were grouped and recorded so that frequencies and percentage could be computed. REFERENCES Odo P. O. Et Al (1999) Introduction to Project Writing Enugu, Sunny Enterprises Publishers. Melynk M. (1984) Principles of Applied statistics, New York Pergamon Press Inc. CHAPTER FOUR 4. 1 PRESENTATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF DATAThis chapter will deal with analysis and interpretation of primary data which was collected by administering questionnaire to the sample size in accordance with the research methodology stated in chap ter three. To make the analysis and interpretations meaningful some of the questions were grouped together table and descriptive method were used as shown below. TABLE 4. 1 DISTRIBUTIONS OF RESPONDENTS BY DEPARTMENT |Department |Response |Percentages | |Administration |13 |31. | |Marketing |7 |17. 1 | |Account |9 |21. 9 | |Distribution |5 |12. 2 | |Computer |7 |17. | |Total |41 |100. 00 | Source:Survey data 2005 from the above table 13 of the respondents that completed and returned the questionnaire were in administration department with 31. 7% were 7 of them are in marketing department with 17. 1%, 9 of them in accounts dept with 21. 9%, 5 in distribution with 12. 2 and the finally ones in computers dept is 7 with 17. 1%. TABLE 4. 2 DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS BY CUSTOMERS, DEALERS AND STAFF Response |No of questionnaire |Percentages | |Customers |15 |36. 6 | |Dealer |14 |34. 2 | |Staff/mgt |12 |29. 2 | |Total |41 |100. 0 | Source:Field survey 2005 The table above shows that 15 q uestionnaires were distributed to customer with 36. 6 why 14 were given to dealers with 34. 2%, and 12 to staff with 29. 2%. TABLE 4. 3 QUESTION:DOES NBC PLC ENUGU DISTRICT OPERATES A GOOD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM |Response |No of questionnaire |Percentages | |Yes |30 |73. 7 | |No |11 |26. 83 | |Total |41 |100. 00 | SOURCE:survey data From the above table 30 respondents representing 73. 17% agreed that Nigerian Bottling company (NBC) PLC operates a good distribution system why 11 disagrees with 26. 83%. TABLE 4. 4RESPONSE ON THE IMPACT OF DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN CREATING CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION. |Response |No of questionnaire |Percentages | |Very effective |15 |36. 6 | |Ineffective |5 |12. 2 | |Indifferences |10 |24. | |Effective |11 |26. 8 | |Total |41 |100. 00 | Source:Survey data 2005 The above table shows that 15 respondents agreed that the impact of distribution/management strategy in creating customer satisfactions is very effective with 36. 6% while 5 disagrees, that if ineffective with 12. 2%, while 10 are indifference with 24. ^ and 11 agreed that it is effective. TABLE 4. 5 DOES ALL THE CUSTOMER AGREES ON THE PRICE OF THE COMPANY’S PRODUCT. |Response |No of questionnaire |Percentages | |Yes |30 |73. 17 | |No |11 |26. 83 | |Total |41 |100. 0 | From the above table, it shows that 30 respondents agrees that all the customers are aware of the price of the company’s products with 73. 17% while 11 disagrees that they are not aware with 26. 83%. TABLE 4. 6 DOES CUSTOMERS AGREES WITH THE QUALIFY OF THE COMPANY’S PRODUCT. | Response |No of questionnaire |Percentages | |Yes |32 |78. 5 | |No |9 |21. 95 | |Total |41 |100. 00 | Source:Survey data 2005 The above table shows that 32 respondents agreed that customers are satisfied with the qualify of the company’s product with 78. 05% while 9 disagrees with 21. 95%. TABLE 4. 7 ARE THERE FACTOR FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PRODUCT PLANNIN DISTRIBUTION AND MANAGEMENT. Response |No of questi onnaire |Percentages | |Yes