Thursday, November 21, 2019

The outcomes of Turning Kuwait into a tourism country Research Paper

The outcomes of Turning Kuwait into a tourism country - Research Paper Example In short the, impact of developing Kuwait’s tourism industry has been explained in detail in this report. Kuwait is sovereign state place in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, constituting in western Asia. The country is bordered by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The name â€Å"Kuwait† means the fortress built near water. It comprises of total of 6889 sq miles and houses a population of about 3.5 million people (PACA). Like all developed countries of the world Kuwait also tries to enhance its image to the outside world to enhance an image of the place to be visited as a recreation, not only business. As it an established fact that the prime source of income for the Kuwaiti government is the oil sector, there are various other sectors the governments is looking into with n angle of revenue generation. Tourism is one such department in which the Kuwaiti government has taken interest lately. The report discusses the prime targets that are set for the tourism industry, its benefits and downsides that come along with any sort of urban or cultural development. This report in detai l also discusses the area which will enhance tourism, including places already present and those which can be developed along with proper marketing to induce the world travelers to home in their travel destinations in this part of the world. The Tourism is simply explained as the traveling which is done for pleasure or fun. Many people all around the world travel to different destinations across the world to see places and monuments of their choice and personal liking. Personal likes may include structures of sculptural beauty, attractive spots of nature and so on. Hence we can find a number of tourists at all time in all countries of the world, even space is being converted into a tourist destination which is not even in this world, for those who can afford it. The travels of the foreign tourist bring a lot of money to the countries where they travel. Hence, tourism

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