Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Issue Of Human Rights Essay - 2466 Words

Human rights are those rights which should be available to every single individual. Throughout history, induced abortions have been a source of great debate and controversy since ethical, religious, political and personal issues coincide. Two great contrasting views have arisen as a result of this. The â€Å"pro-life† view supports the rights of an unborn child measuring life of the foetus from the moment of conception. On the contrary, the â€Å"pro-choice† view prioritises the mother’s right to abortion with a belief that every woman should have the right to choose whether or not to go into the journey of motherhood. The pro-choice advocates, hence, consider the right of the foetus distinct from the pregnant woman, creating an adversarial relationship between the mother and the baby. The legal position of the foetus raises contention since there is no way in obtaining an opinion from an unborn child. The concept of abortion brings into focus the ethics surrounding abortion itself and how it is viewed morally. These two are inextricably linked and thus it will be necessary to highlight the arguments surrounding the status of the foetus and rights of the mother, both morally and legally. In the United Kingdom, even though abortion is a healthcare matter, it continues to be a politically contested issue. The courts have faced an immense amount of difficulty on how to legally handle the matter of abortion. Traditionally the English Courts have refused to regard a foetus as having aShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Human Rights1444 Words   |  6 Pageswho are on a waiting list. When the subject of human rights is discussed, one ethical question can be asked. Is volunteering to sell an organ by choice or for financial purposes unethical? What if a person wanted to sell their organ and in return was able to get free life insurance or give money to their family upon their own death? 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