Friday, January 3, 2020

The Causes of Deforestation in the Amazon Rain Forest Essay

The Causes of Deforestation in the Amazon Rain Forest The Amazon Rain Forest crosses several national boundaries in South America, although the majority of it is located in Brazil. It covers over 3,562,000 acres, making it the largest in the world. But globally, over 138,600 acres of rain forest are lost each year to deforestation, 50,000 of those in Brazil alone (Holdsforth), and the worlds rain forests are quickly disappearing. Deforestation in the Amazon occurs primarily for three reasons: clear-cutting, fragmentation, and edge effects. The term deforestation refers to the clear-cutting of large sections of primary or original-growth forest, which causes the loss of native species of plant and†¦show more content†¦The breaking-up of the rain forest therefore prevents species from moving between natural areas, further weakening them. Logging additionally encourages fragmentation. Lucia Johns and Fredia Simms of the Congressional Research Service point out that roads built by loggers are used by farmers and ranchers who clear-cut portions of the forest. As those roads are built and pockets of deforested areas spread, edge effects occur which reduce diversity and threaten the rain forest even more. Edge effects spread out from any deforested area, such as a farm or a road, for a distance of one kilometer into the forest, and they allow weather and non-native species easy access to the borders of the forest. Imagine the Amazon Rain Forest as a large, integrated area. It shelters native species from the outside world, providing them with food and protection from the elements. These species, in turn, feed the rain forest, littering the forest floor with droppings and decay to feed the trees and undergrowth. Flowers are pollinated, so that plant species survive. Edge effects impede this process. The Center for Planetary Studies describes the effect of a major highway being cut through the center of the Amazon Rain Forest in the Brazilian state of Rondonia as a fishbone pattern of deforestation. This network of small access ro ads allows hunters and non-native animals and predators access to a much larger portionShow MoreRelatedDeforestation In The Amazon Rainforest Essay970 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: Deforestation is the clearing of a forest and/or cutting down of trees for human benefits such as agriculture, wood exports, etc. Deforestation is the cause of numerous environmental impacts such as habitat loss, flooding and soil erosion. It can also cause climate change, by reducing the amount of rainfall and changing the amount of sunlight reflected from Earth’s surface and increases the risk of forest . 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