Friday, February 21, 2020

Teaching and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Teaching and Education - Essay Example Therefore, more precisely put, reflective practice is an independent approach, which fosters critical thinking and in-depth understanding of concepts and ideas. Reflective practitioners derive their origin from learning proposed by Socrates that emphasizes the importance of asking questions and collecting feedback from one’s own self and others. It also stresses upon the fact that learning eventually comes from individual’s inner self and that no teacher can demonstrate the connections an individual mind makes out of a piece of knowledge and his/her own cognition better than the student him/herself. The notion of reflective practice in education is a product of studies and innovation in constructivist theories and cognitive psychology. According to this modern and much-regarded view, intelligence is a fluid, active thought process and reflection on one’s own learning and life experience proves to be an important landmark of intellectual growth. John Dewey, the pi oneer of this field, remarks that intellectual growth is a product of rebuilding the experience. One of the many proposed models for doing this is problem-solving model that comprises of four steps: the first is to analyze the situation and determine its difficulty level. Second is to come up with alternatives and choosing the best amongst the available ones. Lastly, the final touch comes by applying the solution and checking the results. Experts (Roffey-Barensten & Malthouse, 2008, 23-49) have indicated that most individuals reflect on their practice and actions naturally, while others may take reflection as extra work on top of what they have to do. Reflection helps teachers in not only their lessons but it also benefit... This paper approves that planning is just a phase in the entire process of effective teaching. Classroom management is another important step, invariably the most important one, for the development of an ideal learning setting. Several strategies have proven remarkably excellent in the past studies and they have been known to bring out the best in students. Some of the important ones include, conveying the fact that the teacher is in complete knowledge of students’ behavior. Another important way of eliciting high levels of work involvement by students is that the transition between the activities and classes be made less and less prominent for the students. Often, it happens that students do well till recess after which their energy levels fall drastically, or some kids who were brilliant in the art class sleep in the science class that follows. In this regard, the teacher should ensure that students are on the same page by employing warm-ups and ice-breaking activities. This essay makes a conclusion that training teachers to be reflective practitioners and aiding them with proper classrooms with tools for positive interaction and learning help in effective teaching and lead to better education systems. Conclusively, the paper has analyzed some of the significant aspects of teaching and education. The paper recognized and scrutinized different studies related to the topic; and it is expectation that the discussion will be beneficial for students, teachers, and professionals in comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Social, Ethical, and Economic Implications of the Human Genome Term Paper - 1

The Social, Ethical, and Economic Implications of the Human Genome Project for Society - Term Paper Example Social implications include major advances in medical treatments, but also changes in people’s attitudes and behavior due to new procedures like testing when symptoms arise or screening before any disease symptoms are apparent. Ethical issues include balancing individual interests against the interests of others, and such considerations as potentially racist applications and unforeseen consequences of information which gene-related activities can produce. Some of the most critical issues such as privacy and the desire not to know are highlighted. Financial implications for society at large, private companies and for individuals are explored. Finally, there is the assessment of the extent to which the Frankenstein metaphor applies to this project. The paper concludes that the Human Genome Project is an extremely powerful resource which can be used for good or evil purposes and that we have resolved some but by no means all, of the major ethical issues that it brings. The Human Genome Project promises a revolutionary insight into the genetic â€Å"blueprint† of the human body. Consider the social, ethical, and economic implications of this project for society and the potential for applications of this research. Genetic engineering is a relatively new science, which rests on the pioneering work of Gregor Mendel on the garden pea, leading to the formulation of Mendel’s laws in 1866. (Thomas, 2003 pp. 1-3). It was only some fifty years later that the true significance of his discoveries was realized.Â