Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Process Managemant Facilitated the more Widespread Implementation of Essay

Process Managemant Facilitated the more Widespread Implementation of Information Systems within Business - Essay Example Today, process management more and more relies on a considerable extent on achieving success through the development of new IS. Process management facilitated implementation of IS within business to ensure that the processes generated by such developments is spread around the business as widely as possible to those who might put it to good use. The research paper is aimed to investigate the main driven theories, values and assumptions that are shaping a usage of IS in process management from 1990s to present, and examine the influence of process management on the degree of IS implementation within business. "Process management is the ensemble of activities of planning and monitoring the performance of a process, especially in the sense of business process, often confused with reengineering. Process Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and systems to define, visualize, measure, control, report and improve processes with the goal to meet customers requirements profitably" (Wikipedia, 2005). Recent years process management implement Information Systems in order to improve quality of the processes and speed. With the changing economic environment, factors such as globalization of markets, international economic integration, removal of barriers to business and trade and increased competition have enhanced the need of high standards in process management. ... e in making or breaking the competitive positioning, and recent development in information technologies and software opens new opportunities for global organizations. Technology may be central to companies adopting a global strategy. "Information systems can be defined as" a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization. In addition to supporting decision making, coordination, and control, information systems may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new products" (Boar, 1994). From process management perspective, an information system is an organizational and management solution, based on information technology, to a challenge posed by the environment. Examine this definition closely because it emphasizes the organizational and management nature of information systems: To understand information systems-to be information systems literate as opposed to computer literate-a manager must understand the broader organization, management, and information technology dimensions of systems and their power to provide solutions to challenges and problems in the business environment. With the development of technology and software in particular, IS allows to solve a wider range of problems and tasks by means of computers. In this case, process management software developed at the middle of 1990s helps to connect people in global organization who operate in a distance, and has no opportunity to use printed matters or other sources. That is why it has become an important area for process managers, who are in a strong position to exert influence in this aspect of people management. The popularity of Information Systems in process

Monday, October 28, 2019

Feudal Systems Essay Example for Free

Feudal Systems Essay The Japanese and European feudal systems were very much alike yet different in their own ways. Japan’s feudal system was composed of peasants, samurais, daimyos, shoguns and emperors. Then there was the European feudal system. It was composed of serfs, knights, church officials, nobles, kings and queens. In Japan, there was an emperor. The emperor did not do much, he was more like a figure head and he did not make any laws. He was just there to represent the country. The shogun was the person who not only make and pass laws, but controlled finances and the daimyos. The daimyos were lords that controlled samurai, which were warrior protectors for wealthy land owners. Samurai followed a code of behavior called the Bushido, or the â€Å"way of the warrior†. The Bushido stated that samurai were to be brave, loyal and honorable. The wouldn’t complain when they received physical hardship, they did not fear death. If a samurai was defeated or disobeyed their masters, they were to form a ceremonial suicide called Seppuku. It was a way to dishonor with defeat. Last but not least, there were the peasants. They were mostly farmers and traders. Unlike Japan’s feudal system, in the European feudal system, the king and queen controlled nobles, the church and peasants. Nobles or lords owned land and they would grant part of their land to peasants. The grant was called a fief. These peasants would use about two thirds of the land for farming and they would give some of the crops to the lord. Nobles and lords also controlled the knights. Knights were just like samurai in Japan, also they follow something similar to the Bushido. It is called the chivalry and is a system of rules that told of how knights should behave towards others. Both feudal systems were from different countries but they were very much alike.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

James Madison Essay -- biographies bio biography

James Madison James Madison was born in 1751 and died in 1836. He was the fourth president of the United States (1809-1817). Madison worked for American independence, helped to establish the government of the new nation, and went on to participate in that government as congressman, secretary of state, and president. Madison's work on the Constitution of the United States gave him his best opportunity to exercise his great talents and is generally considered his most valuable contribution. More than any other person, Madison can be considered responsible for making the Bill of Rights part of the Constitution. His intense concern for religious and intellectual freedom led him to seek the strongest possible safeguards of individual liberty. In 1776, Madison was elected a delegate to the Virginia constitutional convention. Madison wrote the article of the declaration of rights that asserted the right of all "to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience." In December 1779, Madison was elected to the Continental Congress. He took his seat with the Virginia delegation in March 1780 and after the first few months, he assumed a leading role in Congress. In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly and won. He served nearly three years there, advocating the strengthening of the federal government. Madison was one of the first delegates to arrive in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. Madison proposed a government with strong central powers, including a national judiciary and an elected national executive, and with authority to veto legislation of individual states. Primarily, Madison sought to provide the central government "with positive and complete autho... ...y, along with statesmen John Quincy Adams and Albert Gallatin, to hold peace talks with the British at Ghent, Belgium. On his instructions they negotiated the Treaty of Ghent, which was signed on December 24, 1814. The primary concession Madison won was surrender by Britain of American territory captured during the war. A growing prosperity and a spirit of expansion in the United States marked the final two years of Madison's presidency. Madison himself appeared to be swept along by the nationalistic feeling of the times. Although he persisted in a strict interpretation of federal powers under the Constitution, he felt it appropriate now to sign into law several pieces of legislation he had vigorously fought against in earlier years. Among these were a bill creating a national bank and a tariff act designed to protect American industries from foreign competition.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conclusion To Financial Statement

ConclusionThis Project has been very useful to me because I learned how to prepare cash flow statements and ratio analysis. This has improved my knowledge on financial statements which is very useful in business and commerce ever day. The work I did in this project has helped me to understand the techniques, applications and usefulness of financial statements to understand the performance of a particular company or enterprise without much difficulty and also understand how to prepare them in future. I came to the following conclusion while preparing this project.Purposes of Financial AnalysisJudging The Earning Capacity On the basis of the financial analysis, the earning capacity of the business concern may be computed. In addition to this, the future earning capacity of the concern may also be forecasted. All the external users of accounts, specially the investors and potential investors are interested in this.Judging The Managerial EfficiencyThe financial statement analysis helps t o pinpoint the areas where in the managers have shown better efficiency and the areas of inefficiency. For example, using financial ratios, it is possible to analyze relative proportion of production, administrative and marketing expenses. Any favorable or unfavorable variations can be identified and reasons thereof can be ascertained to pinpoint managerial efficiency and deficiency Judging The Short-term & Long-term Efficiency Of The Enterprise On the basis of financial analysis, long-term as well as short-term solvency of the concern may be judged. Creditors or suppliers are interested to know the short-term solvency/liquidity of the concern i.e. ability to meet short-term liabilities. Debenture holders and lenders judge the ability of the company to pay the principal amount and interest on the basis of financial analysisInter-Firm ComparisonInter-firm comparison becomes easy with the help of financial analysis. It  helps in assessing own performance as well as that of others, i f merges and acquisitions are to be considered. Making Forecasts & Preparing BudgetsPast financial statement analysis helps a great deal in assessing developments in the future, especially the next year. For example, given a certain investment, it may be possible to forecast the next year’s profit on the basis of earning capacity shown in the past. Analysis thus helps in preparing the budgets.UnderstandableFinancial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in simplified manner. Different date can be made more attractive by charts and diagrams which can be easily understoodUses of Financial StatementSecurity AnalysisIt is a process by which the investor comes to know whether the firm is fulfilling hi expectation with regard to payment of dividend, capital appreciation and security of money. Such analysis is done by a security analyst who is interested in cash-generating ability, dividend payout policy and the behavior of share p ricesCredit AnalysisSuch analysis is useful when a firm offers credit to a new customer or a dealer. The manager of the firm would like to know whether to extend credit to them or not. Such analysis is also useful for a bank before granting loan to the public.Debt AnalysisSuch analysis is done by the firm to know the borrowing capacity of a prospective borrower.Dividend DecisionFinancial analysis helps the firm in deciding about the rate of dividend. Management would have to decide about how much portion of earnings to distribute and how much to retain. Such decisions indicate the profitability of the firm and hence to some extent affect the behavior of share pricesGeneral Business AnalysisFinancial analysis can be used to identify the profit drivers and business  risks in order to assess the profit potential of the firm. It helps in the future growth scenarios of the firm Limitations Of Financial StatementHistorical AnalysisFinancial statement analysis is a historical analysis. I t analysis what has happened till date. It does not reflect the future. Person like shareholders, investors, etc are more interested in knowing the likely position in the future.Ignore Price Level ChangesPrice level changes and purchasing power of money are inversely related. A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statements of different accounting years invalid because accounting records ignore change in the value of moneyQualitative Aspects IgnoredSince the financial statements are confined to the monetary matters alone, the qualitative aspects like the quality of management, quality of labor force, public relations are ignored while carrying out the analysis of financial statementNot Free From BiasIn many situations, the accountant has to make a choice out of alternative available, e.g. choice in the method of inventory valuation or choice in the method of depreciation. Since the subjectively is inherent in personal judgment, the financial statements are, therefo re, not free from biasVariation In Account PracticesFor inter-firm comparison, it is necessary that accounting practices followed by the firms don’t vary significantly. As there may be variations in  accounting practices followed by different firms, a meaningful comparison of their financial statements is not possible Conclusion To Financial Statement This Project has been very useful to me because I learned how to prepare cash flow statements and ratio analysis. This has improved my knowledge on financial statements which is very useful in business and commerce ever day. The work I did in this project has helped me to understand the techniques, applications and usefulness of financial statements to understand the performance of a particular company or enterprise without much difficulty and also understand how to prepare them in future. I came to the following conclusion while preparing this project.Purposes of Financial AnalysisJudging The Earning CapacityOn the basis of the financial analysis, the earning capacity of the business concern may be computed. In addition to this, the future earning capacity of the concern may also be forecasted. All the external users of accounts, specially the investors and potential investors are interested in this.Judging The Managerial EfficiencyThe financial statement analysis helps to pinpoint the areas where in the managers have shown better efficiency and the areas of inefficiency. For example, using financial ratios, it is possible to analyze relative proportion of production, administrative and marketing expenses.Any favorable or unfavorable variations can be identified and reasons thereof can be ascertained to pinpoint managerial efficiency and deficiency Judging The Short-term & Long-term Efficiency Of The Enterprise On the basis of financial analysis, long-term as well as short-term solvency of the concern may be judged.Creditors or suppliers are interested to know the short-term solvency/liquidity of the concern i.e. ability to meet short-term liabilities. Debenture holders and lenders judge the ability of the company to pay the principal amount and interest on the basis of financial analysisInter-Firm ComparisonInter-firm comparison becomes easy with the help of financial analysis. It helps in assessing own performance as well as that of others, if merges and acq uisitions are to be considered. Making Forecasts & Preparing BudgetsPast financial statement analysis helps a great deal in assessing developments in the future, especially the next year. For example, given a certain investment, it may be possible to forecast the next year’s profit on the basis of earning capacity shown in the past. Analysis thus helps in preparing the budgets.UnderstandableFinancial analysis helps the users of the financial statements to understand the complicated matter in simplified manner. Different date can be made more attractive by charts and diagrams which can be easily understood Uses of Financial StatementSecurity AnalysisIt is a process by which the investor comes to know whether the firm is fulfilling hi expectation with regard to payment of dividend, capital appreciation and security of money. Such analysis is done by a security analyst who is interested in cash-generating ability, dividend payout policy and the behavior of share pricesCredit Ana lysisSuch analysis is useful when a firm offers credit to a new customer or a dealer. The manager of the firm would like to know whether to extend credit to them or not. Such analysis is also useful for a bank before granting loan to the public.Debt AnalysisSuch analysis is done by the firm to know the borrowing capacity of a prospective borrower.Dividend DecisionFinancial analysis helps the firm in deciding about the rate of dividend. Management would have to decide about how much portion of earnings to distribute and how much to retain. Such decisions indicate the profitability of the firm and hence to some extent affect the behavior of share pricesGeneral Business AnalysisFinancial analysis can be used to identify the profit drivers and business risks in order to assess the profit potential of the firm. It helps in the future growth scenarios of the firm Limitations Of Financial StatementHistorical AnalysisFinancial statement analysis is a historical analysis. It analysis what ha s happened till date. It does not reflect the future. Person like shareholders, investors, etc are more interested in knowing the likely position in the future.Ignore Price Level ChangesPrice level changes and purchasing power of money are inversely related. A change in the price level makes analysis of financial statements of different accounting years invalid because accounting records ignore change in the value of moneyQualitative Aspects IgnoredSince the financial statements are confined to the monetary matters alone, the qualitative aspects like the quality of management, quality of labor force, public relations are ignored while carrying out the analysis of financial statementNot Free From BiasIn many situations, the accountant has to make a choice out of alternative available, e.g. choice in the method of inventory valuation or choice in the method of depreciation. Since the subjectively is inherent in personal judgment, the financial statements are, therefore, not free from biasVariation In Account PracticesFor inter-firm comparison, it is necessary that accounting practices followed by the firms don’t vary significantly. As there may be variations in  accounting practices followed by different firms, a meaningful comparison of their financial statements is not possible

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Childhood and Young People

Explain how a solution focused approach will encourage children and young people to have a positive outlook on their lives. A solution focused approach is about looking at the present and the future, it helps children to look at what is happening in their lives now and whether they are happy that things are heading in the right direction, if this is not the case then it enables children to be able to work out what needs to be changed and start working towards the goals they want to achieve.This can help children and young people to have a positive outlook on their lives by allowing them to see that even if things aren’t that great at the moment there’s always their future (which can be whatever they want it to be) to look forward to. 4. 4 Explain the importance of informing relevant people when there are concerns about a child or young person’s health or well – being. The child protection and welfare policies in my setting states that i must report any con cerns that i may have around a child’s health and well being. If i was to not report the concerns raised then this could have a big impact on the child.The earlier concerns are spotted and raised, the easier they are to be dealt with and the smaller the impact on the child, same as the longer it takes for concerns to be spotted and raised, the harder they are to be dealt with and the bigger the impact on the child. For example if i were to notice that a child was attending nursery and feeling extra hungry than usual, this would be a welfare concern as being underfed (if this is the case) will have an effect on the child’s health, it will effect concentration which will affect the overall performance of the child.My concerns would be raised with the manager and this would be monitored and recorded before raising the issue with parents. 4. 5 Record concerns about a child or young person’s health or well being following recognised procedures. So far during my place ment i have not had to record any concerns about a child but if a situation occurred where this needed to happen i would first raise my concerns with the manager.